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  1. DeviousDarren

    doom metal

    Great album. Some of the best atmosphere.
  2. DeviousDarren

    Twilight Zone Marathon

    The other one that rules is the episode where the store maniquins come to life and have a week to live like a real human before having to return to the store to stand there. I've seen that one. Good episode. I don't really know of any bad ones, though. I only watched like two of them...
  3. DeviousDarren

    Twilight Zone Marathon

    Did anyone watch some of the episode on the Twilight Zone marathon on Sci Fi channel the last couple days? That show was amazing. Rod Serling was a genuis writer. You would see some truly great stuff ff horror movies of today would have great writing like that combined with the modern effects.
  4. DeviousDarren

    To all UFC fans out there...

    Sports Illistrated recently had a good article on UFC. They talked about a lot of the good fighters and gave a history of the sport.
  5. DeviousDarren

    My Name is Earl...This man is hilarious...

    All the characters rock on My Name is Earl. Any show that deals with white, trailer park trash is great. Have you seen Run, Ronny Run? Hilarious mullet humor.
  6. DeviousDarren

    Nothing about Chris Benoit?

    Don't forget about Ravishing Rick Rude and Road Warrior Hawk who both died from heart-related problems, which most likely was caused by steroid abuse.
  7. DeviousDarren

    The Conspiracy Thread

    That may be so, but I'm just relating what a natural foods scientist said. If nutrasweet tasted good, I would probably eat it, but it tastes like butt.
  8. DeviousDarren

    3 Inches of Blood for PPIX!

    Rob Halford digs them! Review of their album on blistering.
  9. DeviousDarren

    doom metal

    Man, there are so many great doom bands. Some of my favorites are: old Anathema My Dying Bride Shroud of Bereavement Fall of Empyrean Candlemass Morgion Keen of the Crow Amber Tears Comatose Vigil Shape of Despair
  10. DeviousDarren

    Any fans of Tiamat?

    Agreed. I heard "In a Dream" on the college radio station back in 95. Other than King Diamond, that was the first time I heard a metal band use atmosphere like that.
  11. DeviousDarren

    The Conspiracy Thread

    Thanks for the link Silver. I'm pretty aware of the crap in our food he's talking about. All those weight loss alternative sugars are worst than regular sugar. Did you know that nutrasweet contains one of the ingredients found in formaldahide(spelling)? Inforterror, one of the reason...
  12. DeviousDarren

    The Conspiracy Thread

    Silver, I have Crohn's Disease so I have studied a lot of the crap that goes into food today. The natural health sciences say to stay away from all that crap, but mainstream doctors won't even consider that as being the problem. If you even bring it up, they look at you like you're a kook...
  13. DeviousDarren

    New King Diamond - Big thumbs up!

    My interview with King and review of that album is on Awesome album. Best stuff he's done since The Eye.
  14. DeviousDarren

    What defines emo?

    Obviously you suck the cock of gay emo bands.
  15. DeviousDarren

    Looking for Trade of New Candlemass

    Does anyone have the new Candlemass? I would totally dig a copy of it. Also, I have plenty of CDs of many styles that I can do the same for you. PM me if interested.
  16. DeviousDarren

    The Conspiracy Thread

    I see you do read that web site. Have you check out
  17. DeviousDarren

    The Conspiracy Thread

    I know that there is going to be an attempt to create a north american union of the Mexican-American-Canadian land through commerce and a NAFTA highway going from canada to mexico. It will be a body of people deciding over much of the polices which would not be elected officials, and then have...
  18. DeviousDarren

    The Conspiracy Thread

    Sorry if this has already been brought to your attention. I don't feel like sifting through 10 pages. I'm currently reading a book called "The Dark Ages Conspiracy." This book was written in 1980 and it looks at how a faction of British Nobility started both World Wars to keep their wealth...
  19. DeviousDarren

    New Material/New Album

    It will be cool to hear your ideas on doomsday. I know this is a passionate interest of your's.