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  1. W

    Floyd Rose vs. TonePros locking bridge

    Anyone know if its really such a quality difference that I should pay hundreds more for a guitar where that is the only difference? That only effects tuning and whammy right? I need a new guitar fairly quick, one with better picks ups so my amp will sound more clean. I'm looking at the C-7...
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    Guitar Player's Thread

    As for those that mute while sweeping, I thought the point was to release left hand quick enough that it sounded a single note but none stacked, and it was the release that ended the the notes clean, not a mute amirite or amiwrong?
  3. W

    Guitar Player's Thread

    try not to mute. even I can pretty much do mute sweeps but it really does cover up a lot. Some argue that distortion covers mistakes, but to the contrary every single little thing you do will sound like amplified shit if its wrong. Muting hides it though and sweeps are supposed to be...
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    Guitar Player's Thread

    I'd love to but in internet quality videos and not a camera focus on the parts I need its hard to tell. I don't know any one irl to watch
  5. W

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Sweep Picking help- Alright I'm a decent guitar player far as speed goes but before I dive into this Psalm of Lydia I need know a bit more about sweeping. know I need to practice the patterns and synchronization ascending/descending but as far as right hand goes is there anything I should...
  6. W

    Sweep picking help

    Ah thanks. <noob
  7. W

    Sweep picking help

    anyone have advice for me on sweeping? Suuure I could watch videos but the small things you can't see and I could find what to practice but not.. how.
  8. W

    Sweep picking

    Alright I'm a decent guitar player far as speed goes but before I dive into this Psalm of Lydia I need know a bit more about sweeping. know I need to practice the patterns and synchronization ascending/descending but as far as right hand goes is there anything I should know? technique...
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    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    I'm not even going to give you the satisfaction of thinking I all that because I don't care. I'll just stick to my defense that the generalization of "metal is just powerchords" is an idiots opinion at best. I listen to anything that's not punk or pop, and prefer metal for its complexity...
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    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    Um, I did fucktard =D BTW its spelled right, if you knew the origin and reference. Second improving a cover is for noobs, the point is to cover the song not make it up, people don't wanna hear your bloody wanking if you can't solo, least I know I wouldn't want to. Loomis improves extra...
  11. W

    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    Why are you in a metal forum? Everyman to himself but (good) metal has its roots in classical music and training. Safe to say you've never taken a music theory class or don't know a damn thing about music at all. Or perhaps what you deem metal is the shit they spam on MTV or only that which...
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    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    give up. Have fun trying to play guitar
  13. W

    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    You: /fail although you think yourself to be a good judge of sexual orientation through miles of interweb based off a faceless account name and no background information. I hate to break it to you, but no I will not S your D.
  14. W

    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    Kissing the Shadows is fun. Alright, its pretty obvious I'm asking for this because I won't be able to play it? or because I can effortlessly play the rest but struggle hearing these few seconds, and I lack software atm to slow it down at all. The song is really easy.
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    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    Lol. A smart lot we have here. I won't thank you for your wasted 10 seconds because I stated specifically the time and section I meant, presuming anyone who's learned the song would know that this part is omitted in any tab anywhere. If I hadn't thought I was smarted than you from the start...
  16. W

    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    yeah thanks, I feel marginally insulted tht you think I can't search google myself. That diminished run is what I need, so to the dude who said he did that by ear, I'm trying bu could YOU post what you got?
  17. W

    This Sacrament Solo (?)

    In the solo (CD recording) 3:14-3:22 I can't make out the low pitch distorted notes. Recently I did sit down and see that like everything else Loomis does its a diminished piece, and I'll prob finish today but if someone with very experienced ear training could post what they got out of the...
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    Bach Double BWV 997

    Hey Kohl, You should link to somewhere that file is hosted, looks like fun.
  19. W

    @ This Sacrament

    Yes I know it was Jeff and I need to "redirect" the thread or w/e but I don't know where else to ask this. In the solo 3:14-3:22 I can't make out the low pitch distorted notes. I need to work on ear training I suppose but until then if anyone could help me by posting the notes for that...