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  1. if6was9

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Had my eye on one of these for months, finally saw one come up on the used market so I jumped on it. Picking it up this weekend!
  2. if6was9

    Laney GH50l question

    Great amps. Really punchy and got a good crunch. Had one for years and it's ended up on many albums. I'd say go for it. They are crazy loud also.
  3. if6was9

    New Audio Technica M50 X headphones

    Best thing about the new model coming out was that the old models were being blown out in music shops to make way for the new. 2 friends of mine picked up pairs for almost half off.
  4. if6was9

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Also got loads of strings, a few small and a few large mics stands and cables. Oh and I got a hardcase for the guitar.
  5. if6was9

    Adding a second mic...

    I've tried a bunch of 2nd mics with the 57's and my favourite so far is the md421, you can find them well in your budget if you look. i got mine for around 200€
  6. if6was9

    direct input

    It's not the amp sims and it's not the babyface, I'd say it's your guitar or the settings you are using. There is no magical hardware that makes guitar tones good. A di box will only give you a slight difference compared to the rme.
  7. if6was9

    Lets talk Sansamp: Which one?

    I use the bddi- the standard pedal version and it rocks. I use it all the time for recordings and it gets used at a bunch of gigs by different bands I've done sound for. Haven't had much hands on experience recording the others but live I see bands using the rbi into the power section of an...
  8. if6was9

    Jason Suecof - Pensado's Place interview

    Agreed, Suecof didn't try very hard to explain any of his techniques or methods after being asked about them. I still enjoyed it though. I would love to see Andy or jens Bogren on the show. Russ Russel isn't a huge name but I've seen him do interviews before and would like to see him on the...
  9. if6was9

    Need help deciding on a preamp pedal.

    If you're going into your HI z input a di box wont make much difference.
  10. if6was9

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Just did a thomann order I'd been saving up for a while to get. Loads of basic things like small mic stands, XLRs, patch cables, picks, mic adapters, power cables for pedals, speaker cables, and a loom of jack to phono leads for a quirky mixer I bought. Also got a few fun toys...
  11. if6was9

    Making a fake live song/album

    Elton John did this and it's on his classic albums episode. Very interesting to watch as they did a few odd things to make it seem live. Like having the crowd clapping be off the beat and things like that, pretty cool!
  12. if6was9

    What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?

    Ever blown a guitar speaker as a result of recording bass through it though? That'd be my only worry with running the bass through it.
  13. if6was9

    Need help deciding on a preamp pedal.

    Amt s-1 user here. Super handy pedal and sounds really good. I gigged mine quite a bit. This into an ehx magnum 44 poweramp pedal makes for the handiest gig setup I've ever used. The cab sim out on them isn't great though, it's very fizzy. That's something to bear in mind, I rarely used this...
  14. if6was9

    What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?

    When you guys put the bass through guitar amps do you high pass the di before sending it out?
  15. if6was9

    What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?

    Any of ye tried the HM-2 on bass? A band I recorded used it and it sounds insane. Super grindy. you can probably hear it best on the second song here.
  16. if6was9

    What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?

    Been using the sansamp bass di for growly stuff. It gets too fizzy for very distorted bass, I find it makes it sit weird with the guitars on really high gain settings. For really distorted stuff I've been using the wagner sharp plugin with a hi and low pass on the clean di. I'd love something...
  17. if6was9

    "Re-Roomed" my drum tracks in a huge nice room. Clips inside!

    I actually still had the bus I made to send out to the speaker still set up when I brought my stuff home to mix. I tried to emulate the church tracks on that bus with reverb plugins and couldn't get anywhere close.
  18. if6was9

    "Re-Roomed" my drum tracks in a huge nice room. Clips inside!

    Nope it's for No Man's Land. They're a fairly new band from Limerick, the full E.P is available for free on the bandcamp. If you dig stoner/ doom stuff check out Rites. They just put out an E.P that I did with them also...
  19. if6was9

    "Re-Roomed" my drum tracks in a huge nice room. Clips inside!

    Yeah it's the friary. It's a great place to use. They run a rehearsal place upstairs in some of the smaller rooms. That's where the drums were recorded. I'd been wanting to try this for a good while and was pretty happy with the results. Very easy to set up and doesn't have to be that loud...
  20. if6was9

    "Re-Roomed" my drum tracks in a huge nice room. Clips inside!

    I tracked the drums for this E.P I was working on in a medium sized room with a very dry, dead sound. We were happy with the drums but the room mics weren't great. We'd access to an old unused church but unfortunately only after the drums were done. We were tracking church organ in there anyway...