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  1. Severu

    Sci-fi video + SSL mix

    Hello everyone, I thought I'd share my band's latest video with you, hope you like it. It's kind of a sci fi B-movie parody. :) Mix was done at Black Rock Studios on an SSL 9k console. Curious to hear...
  2. Severu

    My band signed with Universal Music, album mixed on SSL console This is the second lyric video from our new album. Hope you guys enjoy it.
  3. Severu

    My band signed with Universal Music, album mixed on SSL console Here's a chorus - the wave switches each bar from SSL to ITB. I think the difference is pretty big... :)
  4. Severu

    My band signed with Universal Music, album mixed on SSL console

    Guys, again, thanks so much for the kind words! In case anybody is interested, I can upload some unmastered samples of the Pro Tools ITB vs. SSL/hardware mix.
  5. Severu

    My band signed with Universal Music, album mixed on SSL console

    @FIXXER - thanks, I'll update new stuff as soon as it's out. @Ed - make sure to hit me up next time you come to Bucharest, I'll take you on a night out in the city for an insider experience, hahah!
  6. Severu

    My band signed with Universal Music, album mixed on SSL console

    Thanks a lot, everyone! Sorry about the video not being available in the US - that VEVO stuff quite a pain in the ass, unfortunately, it's how Universal uploads their stuff, so I hope it'll get fixed soon (I understand that US and Canada take a longer time for clearing the uploads). For those...
  7. Severu

    My band signed with Universal Music, album mixed on SSL console

    Hey everyone, My band Goodbye to Gravity just penned a deal with Universal Music for the release of our second album. Three years ago we launched our debut and some of you Sneapsters liked it (some of you even helped out - Eddy Apolonia), so I thought I'd share the news and the first single...
  8. Severu

    Maybe the most ridiculous thing I've done

    Sounds like Super Nintendo music! :D
  9. Severu

    Albums mistakes BFMV - Your Betrayal Main vocal suddenly drops out on trig-GEEEER (only backing vox remain) and then come backs a little bit later.
  10. Severu

    Days of Confusion new video

    Hi folks, Since I've recently completed a mix and master for the band's new video, I thought I'd post it here and let you guys check it out. Some production details: Drums were recorded through a Neve console, guitars were Kemper, bass was...
  11. Severu

    Post your best disto bass tone 2015

    Here's one from our new album - seems pretty distorted, but it's really good (imo) for cutting through the heavy guitars
  12. Severu

    Toontrack Metal month 2014

    Not big news, but now at least we know what the SDX is called...
  13. Severu

    Live theatrics and such

    Here's our stage design - fits our space/astronaut theme pretty good! A 8x6m cloth banner in the back and two side scrims (also with cloth banners on them) We also have a small banner taped in front of the riser. It looks pretty good in real life, too!
  14. Severu

    favorite sneakers?

    Adidas Superstar!
  15. Severu

    Bass distortion: Sansamp ect

    Depending on what flavour you need: Sansamp GT-2 Turbo Rat James LoMenzo Ashdown Hyperdrive Sansamp VT Bass
  16. Severu

    New bass guitar

    Between these two i would get the JB.
  17. Severu

    Any Sneapsters coming to Musikmesse this week?

    Any Sneapsters coming to Musikmesse this week? I'll be there on Saturday and I thought it'd be cool to meet some of you fine folks in person! :rock:
  18. Severu

    Does anyone have EMG JH Set?

    Compared to the 81 it's louder and more compressed, it's like the peaks are brick wall limited. It also has a little bit more top end than the standard 81. Neck pickup screams for playing 'One' and 'Nothing Else Matters' on it...
  19. Severu

    The Blemished Sections of Musician's Friend and other online stores

    A few years back I got a 5-string Fender Precision bass with a 150 € discount from a Japanese online store because it had 'small blemishes in the finish'. When it arrived, I studied the bass for about 15 minutes and I didn't even find a scratch.
  20. Severu

    Cheap gear that surprised you (lets say under $300)

    Behringer B-1 cheap condenser mic. Bought it 10 years ago for 100$ and it's still useful today.