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  1. supseudonymous

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Actually it didn't even strike me until you mentioned this but I can see why the production might not appeal to many people. It just doesn't seem out of place with Assaulter's music to me. Other than that I have no idea what you guys don't find amazing about it. I find the song writing...
  2. supseudonymous

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    It is something special, and a notable improvement from their first album (which I also regard as being of very good quality). I don't mean to imply that Boundless brings something new to thrash here, but the album really is a remarkably coherent expression of everything that makes blackened...
  3. supseudonymous

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I feel obligated to come back here and post this again. The more I hear this album the more I'm convinced Assaulter has really done something brilliant here. I think with this release they've put out one of the better albums ever written in this style and it deserves more exposure. I can't...
  4. supseudonymous

    Resurrected Power Metal Thread

    Does anyone know what ever happened to Attacker and their awesome new vocalist? It seems like they dropped off the face of the planet after releasing that single a couple years ago. New Jag Panzer is exactly what you would expect from those guys. Objectively it's a very good album but I'm...
  5. supseudonymous

    Death Metal

    I really wish Adversarial would get someone decent to handle the mixing and mastering. The new recordings from the EP have only a slightly less terrible sound than All Idols. So disappointing.
  6. supseudonymous

    Antifa and Metal

    Fyi that quote is commonly attributed to Churchill but it is actually of unknown origin.
  7. supseudonymous

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    :lol: Every time I try to come back I end up driven away within a couple days by all of the genuine condescension around here. Let's just see what happens this time. You really have to hear that album asap Matt. I honestly haven't headbanged like that since the first time I heard Triumph of...
  8. supseudonymous

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Until I hear the new Sabbat album next week I'm saying that these guys are the best black/thrash band going and fuck you if you think something different than what I think. Standout from this album is "The Perpetual War" but the whole thing is really phenomenal.
  9. supseudonymous

    New Social Thread

  10. supseudonymous

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    So depressing
  11. supseudonymous

    Post your hauls here

    And yet another haul: Negative Plane - Stained Glass Revelations Cassle - Cassle Sabbat - Sabbatrinity Weapon - From The Devil's Tomb Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will Just a couple more things and I should be set for a while.
  12. supseudonymous

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    The guy doesn't join bands, he has to be consciously excluded whenever a new band is created.
  13. supseudonymous

    Death Metal

    I'm pretty sure some obscure South American label has been booting those albums for years now. If you keep an eye out you'll notice that they seem to show up like once a year at different death metal distros.
  14. supseudonymous


  15. supseudonymous

    Controversial opinions on metal

    And here I was thinking I'd never hear a good argument in favor of capital punishment. Before peace can be achieved all of the falses must be burned and died, sir.
  16. supseudonymous

    Post your hauls here

    Riotor - Beast of Riot Vektor - Black Future Vindicator - The Antique Witcheries Assaulter - Boundless Under The Sun - Man of Sorrow
  17. supseudonymous

    The Official Good Television Thread

    I can get on board with this. Latest episode was pretty lame but still better than anything this season so far. I'm anxious about the finale which they titled "Fall From Grace". To spite the name the preview clips that aired looked really tame and boring and gay again. I just want to see...
  18. supseudonymous


    Can someone from the GMD libertarian crew provide me with some good reading on the long-term sustainability of laissez-faire markets? I never really bought this, but I'm also really uneducated on the subject. I'd like to change this now.
  19. supseudonymous

    Albums currently displeasing your ass

    Everything Heavy Artillery Records has ever released. Why do they feel the need to polish and spit shine absolutely everything? All recorded music would be better if it sounded like early Nunslaughter demos.