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  1. T

    Metal Chicks

    My lesbian friend had more luck getting numbers at Sounds this past weekend than I did... but yes, metal chicks are the bomb-diggety.
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    MSRCAST 51

    Agreed, you guys should interview Ankla when they come through the Scout Bar on August 1st.
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    BANG YOUR HEAD 2 In Houston!!

    haha, damn straight! I can see it now.... corpse paint, growl-leaders, and instead of bonfires... we can have a viking funeral!
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    The Official MSRCAST YouTube Video Thread

    Hey all, I'll forewarn you: these clips are rather crappy and pretty short, but what do you expect with a camera phone at a metal show eh? Heh, the following are clips of Chimaira playing, Amon Amarth during 'Pursuit of Vikings' and a circle pit during Shadow's Fall's show at SOTU 2007 in...
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    BANG YOUR HEAD 2 In Houston!!

    I say tailgating... metal style.