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  1. M

    Cryogen - Continuum out now!

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CRYOGEN - Melodic Death Metal from Denver, CO release their new album, Continuum, today (Nov 19th) on Dark Millennium Records. Continuum is an accumulation of over 3 years of writing that began soon after the release of the bands previous EP, Despara, in 2009. Lyrical...
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    VersaEmerge/Paramore Type Band

    The vocals sound dry and don't sit too well in the mix IMO. The instrument mix sounds good though. Maybe try a bit of delay or more verb.
  3. M

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    me too.. :)
  4. M

    Even the orchestra is real. go figure out!

    It sounds really good man. I didn't notice any jarring difference in tonality between the drums in the two songs with and without samples (listening to them separately), which is good IMO as you really shouldn't. Both sound fitting for the song and close enough to work as part of an album...
  5. M

    Need some comments on this remix, quad-tracked gtr, melodic death

    Thanks for checking it out man! I did a lot of eq cutting on the guitars so there may be something I could put back it that will help. I have been trying to give the tracks that 5150 bite without having them sound harsh, so i'm on the same page with your there.
  6. M

    Want opinions on this guitar tone

    I think the stuttering RichS is hearing is due to the kick stepping on the guitars a bit. I bet it wouldn't be noticable without the kick present. I personally like the tone and I think with some eq cutting to tame it a bit it would fit nicely in the mix you have. Oh and tame the midrange on...
  7. M

    Need some comments on this remix, quad-tracked gtr, melodic death

    I worked on the low mids a bit, mainly putting some back into the guitar tracks that I previously cut and boosting some frequencies on the bass tracks. I also added the guitar solo into the mix which wasn't previously there. It's still a work in progress so expect some weird cuts and things...
  8. M

    New Mix Test - First Djenty Mix

    Nice mix man, I like it. The low end may be a little flubby like matrixclaw is pointing out, but it's pretty hard to tell since i'm listening on shitty laptop speakers here at work. What really worked for me in tightening up the bass in my latest mix was a suggestion I read on here awhile back...
  9. M

    Need some comments on this remix, quad-tracked gtr, melodic death

    Thanks for the listen and offering some suggestions man! I see you have a mix posted above mine here so i'll definitely check that out and leave you some feedback too. \m/
  10. M

    Need some comments on this remix, quad-tracked gtr, melodic death

    In case anyone is checking these out, I updated the mix a bit. I took out the mastering EQ I was using since I felt like it was squashing the guitars a bit. Here's the updated mix. Updated mix (8/16):
  11. M

    Need some comments on this remix, quad-tracked gtr, melodic death

    Anyone get a chance to check it out? Thanks dudes
  12. M

    Need some comments on this remix, quad-tracked gtr, melodic death

    Hey dudes. I'm remixing an EP my band (Cryogen) released several years ago. I'm looking for some comments or suggestions on the mix. I reamped the old rhythm DI tracks (which were quad-tracked) through a 5150 and Mesa single rec, created new samples for the kick and snare, along with a few...
  13. M

    Outboard EQ or Compressor?

    I've heard good things about the Speck ASC. It's is a 4 band parametric EQ which you can pick up for $500-600, so two of them should be within your budget. Might be worth a look. For compressors i'd suggest a distressor like has already been mentioned a few times. The Purple Audio Action...
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    Show us your studio 2011 [room / racks / backline]

    ^ Nice man! Do those presonus mixers double as a control surface, or are they just analog mixers?
  15. M


    Sounds pretty good on my shitty computer speakers here at work. The guitar on the right seems a bit weak in comparison to the one on the left though. At least from what I can hear.
  16. M

    New Necrorgasm Track (Death Metal)

    It sounds pretty good man. I would throw a bit of compression on your master bus before your limiter to "glue" it together, like szymon mentioned. Nothing crazy, maybe 2:1 ratio, fairly fast attack, fast release. Check out this thread, it helped me a lot...
  17. M

    FS/FT Peavey 6505 in perfect working condition

    Peavey 6505 in perfect working condition. It has a bias pot installed and has been properly biased. 6505's/5150's typically come biased a bit cold from the factory, so IMO, it sounds a lot better now that it did stock. I gigged with this for two years or so, but it's still in great overall shape...
  18. M

    Cryogen EP 'Psalms of Deceit'
