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  1. S

    Bands like Orphaned Land (oriental metal etc.)

    Amaseffer, maybe the best album of 2008, and please for the other bands please add myspace or such, would be much easier for us to find..
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    Happy Birthday Kobi !

    Mazzal tov Kobi !!
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    Just a thought that I had.

    Nice words, I haven't seen the movie but I saw a trailer of it and I think that it still doesn't describe the real attitude of the Israeli men, since it is hard to describe, there are many type of cultures and ethnic groups in Israel like in America.. all the people have been immigrated to...
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    Yes Wilson will be taking charge of the mixing and will produce the album, they also states in Mooma web that he is going to play keys ... add some mellotron touch and more ;) ORPHANED OLE OLE :D
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    Great album! Amaseffer- feat. Kobi

    Awesome album, too bad it's very expensive here (90NIS, approx 28$) and I haven't got my hands on the original copy yet.. it's highly recommended, mats is doing a great job on the vocals and this album and his work there should be rewarded ;)
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    Orphaned Land fan from India

    Amaseffers debut album is a blast, welcome dude..
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    Pics From Moscow

    Pshhi nicely done...thanks !
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    Foreign Audience during the 21/02 gig

    Psshii, glad you enjoyed, saw a few americans enjoy the music too, good to have you tourists (family?) here... keep up and enjoy everything you can.
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    Photos from PP Scandinavia

    Very nice pictures, thanks Nathalie.
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    More OL video material

    Lol yannick; "French accent"... heh nice one ;)
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    a New fella in town ;)

    Hoi fellas, i'm new in this forum, listening to OL for about a year now, been to their show in the barby about a month ago, it was great, will post here from time to time, listening mostly to ; Electronic music - Psychadelic , Chill - out , Ambient , Trip hop and many more.. Progressive Rock ...
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    Shanah Tovah

    Shana Tovah Brotha's!
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    Webpage music

    try Distorted (IL) , Salem (IL) , Nile , Rotting Christ , Celsius , Behemoth ( ALL NONE IL )
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    Orphaned Land departs with drummer Avi Diamond

    Indeed, pitty.... but lets hope that they will find someone worthy ! I'd go for Mike Portnoy !
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    So I'm gonna be in Israel for 9 months...

    Just got back from therion show, was good... I'd tell you to keep urself updated via, you might find nice shows, jethro tull just did 3 shows in Israel and Chick Corea did one... Nightwish will do one soon and so does Avishai Cohen, if you like that type of jazz, you may also use...