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  1. Lifewithoutpain

    Ever feel too old to be into extreme metal?

    Same. Still more delinquent than distinguished. I've worn metal shirts to work every day for the past 18 years I've had my current job. I choose logo shirts but still wear Cannibal Corpse, Deathspell Omega, Hate Eternal and such. Been asked more than once what a cannibal corpse is.
  2. Lifewithoutpain

    LF Tech/prog Death core..

    Braindrill Hour of Penance
  3. Lifewithoutpain

    Your Top 15 All Time Metal Albums

    In no particular order, I just divided it up to make it easier to read. I'm also into new stuff, which this list does not reflect, but if my CD's were stolen and my hard drives died, these are the first ones I'd have to reacquire. Death - Human Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind...
  4. Lifewithoutpain

    Looking for something like extreme neo-classical metal.

    Have you heard Agony by Fleshgod Apocalypse?
  5. Lifewithoutpain

    This is kind of a complicated request...

    I'm not a huge Black Metal fan either but I've come across a couple that are dark, technical and well produced. Try these: Aeneon - Cendres et Sang Drottnar - Welterwerk
  6. Lifewithoutpain

    Favorite Death riff?

    I like the choruses of Secret Face and Crystal Mountain and the heavy instrumental part in Open Casket that I don't know what to call but you know what part it is. Death will always be one of my favorites. I discovered Death during Spring break of 1990, just after Spiritual Healing came out...
  7. Lifewithoutpain

    Technical death metal like Spawn of Possession?

    ^Those albums aren't anything like Incurso. They're good albums in their own right but nothing like the Baroque masterpieces that are Incurso and Noctambulant. There's nothing quite like those SoP discs (that I can think of right now) but some stuff that's in the ballpark are Psycroptic's...
  8. Lifewithoutpain

    What is 'Progressive' Death Metal today?

    Maybe I should, I don't understand what the problem is.
  9. Lifewithoutpain

    Death metal similar to Behemoth or Hate (that isn't Crionics)

    Hour of Penence, moreso Paradogma than Sedition.
  10. Lifewithoutpain

    What is 'Progressive' Death Metal today?

    Two decades ago we had bands such as Atheist, Death, Pestilence, Cynic and perhaps even Disincarnate, Demilich and maybe even Gorguts and Amorphis. Some of these bands are still around or in a resurgence, but are they progressing the genre or even part of it? Is that even what Progressive...
  11. Lifewithoutpain

    Albums that push the car system

    Some of my favorite in-car albums: Hate Eternal - Phoenix Amongst the Ashes Ingested - Surpassing the Boundaries of Human Suffering Lost Soul - Immerse in Infinity Fleshwrought - Dimentia/Dyslexia Beneath the Massacre - Incongruous Any one of those albums will give you a massage if...
  12. Lifewithoutpain

    Death Metal

    I just got the new CC CD yesterday and I've listened to it a number of times already. It is good stuff, not too technical, some good riffs, very good production. Sounds great in my car; an ol' lady wouldn't use the crosswalk when I stopped for her with this blaring out the windows!
  13. Lifewithoutpain

    Top 5 most technical metal albums you know

    Holy shit! I just noticed you have 27004 posts over 8 years. That's 1 post every 15 minutes! You must know everything about metal!:grin:
  14. Lifewithoutpain

    Top 5 most technical metal albums you know

    Most of my top 5 have already been mentioned but I'll add: Viraemia - EP Anomalous - Ohmnivalent Meshuggah - Nothing Psycropyic - Ob(Servant) Nile - Ithyphalic
  15. Lifewithoutpain

    Best of 2011

    My top ten for the year: Blotted Science - The Animation of Entymology Ulcerate - The Destroyers of All Vektor - Outer Isolation Fleshgod Apocalypse - Agony Aenaon - Cendres et Sang Nader Sadek - In the Flesh Origin - Entity Hate Eternal - Phoenix Amongst the Ashes Krisiun - The Great...
  16. Lifewithoutpain

    Best of 2011

    Some of my faves so far: Azarath - Blasphemers' Malediction Blotted Science - The Animation of Entymology Ulcerate - The Destroyers of All Death - Human 20th Anniversary Fleshgod Apocalypse - Agony Aenaon - Cendres et Sang Lock Up - Necropolis Transparent Nader Sadek - In the Flesh...
  17. Lifewithoutpain

    Top 5 albums you currently listen to

    Fleshgod Apocalypse - Agony Nader Sadek - In the Flesh Death - Human 20th Anniversary Azarath - Blasphemers' Malediction Blotted Science - The Animation of Entomology
  18. Lifewithoutpain

    Black Metal for a Death Metal fan

    I'm looking into getting some of these, though that Allegiance disk is rather expensive. More suggestions please! I have 36 Black Metal CD's and 550 Death Metal CD's. I'm going to concentrate on getting that 36 up to 50 before the end of the year. But they've gotta be good!
  19. Lifewithoutpain

    Black Metal for a Death Metal fan

    I've read some of the BM sticky and found some bands I like but I want to see if there's more. The CD's I have and enjoy are the final 3 Emperor discs, Deathspell Omega - Paracletus Aeneon - Cendres et Sang Blut Aus Nord - 777 Sect(S) Drottnar - Welterwerk I also get into Dragonlord...
  20. Lifewithoutpain

    Gorod esque band

    Illogicist is the closest I can think of other than Anata. These others, I feel, have the same sort of energy and creativity: Revocation A Loathing Requiem Sickening Horror