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    just when I though they couldn't get more annoying....

    I thought I was the only person under the age of 25 alive that didn't like Guitar Hero. And I can't stand DragonForce either. All of the kids that think it's soo frickin cool and that DragonForce is awesome, just like all of the other songs on Guitar Hero. When in real life, the only reason they...
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    SX Intermelodical references

    I made this thread for people to post their favourite intermelodical references in all of SX songs. For example, the end of Revelation, the very last like 15 seconds is part of Divine Wings of Tragedy. I know that they have a lot, so I wanted to get a list going.
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    Does anyone have the tabs for Sacrifice? I'm mainly focused on at the very end, with the acoustic guitar. I've wanted to learn it for a while, but I can't find tabs for it ANYWHERE. Any help?
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    Twilight in Olympus

    Frontiers itself is an awesome. It's underrated because not many people have heard it. It's only on the Japanese import or release, if I'm not mistaken.
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    Theory on Guitar

    I actually learned it in Music theory. And there are 6 patterns that are the same thing as a major scale, played at every tone on the fretboard. What are those called? (And yes I meant F#)
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    The solo is gonna kick ass live.
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    Theory on Guitar

    I already know all of the modes and those scale patterns. I think there is a bit of misunderstanding here between modes and mode scales. The mode scales are Ionian, Aeolian, Mixolydian, etc. All played in a key. If the key you are playing a mixolydian is the key in which the piece is in...
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    Favorite Michael Pinnella Moment

    Basically all of V. He did a fabulous job on the whole album. My favourite part would have to be in Rediscovery Pt. II, starting right around 4:30. That is possibly one of my favourite parts of any SX song. And it's carried by Pinella. Then again, Awakenings is one of my favourite SX songs...
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    Theory on Guitar

    I know he uses the modes, the modes are just the same scales different places on the neck. Unless you mean the actual scales, in which case I'm sure he doesn't use all 7. And the Harmonic Minor, yes he does use that a lot.. Man, thanks for the help everyone, but if only there was a way to get...
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    Happy birthday Charis!

    Happy Birthday! (Even though I'm probably late)
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    Theory on Guitar

    What are the main scales that Romeo uses? I want to be able to play and practice some of the solo things that he does, but it's 1000000 times easier when you know the scales. Any guitarists here that can help me out?
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    Well seeing as I've only seen it live once, I still love it. But maybe change would be good too.
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    I sure hope so. Although, I would rather them close with The Odyssey than with DWoT for some reason... Maybe. XD I don't know. I love every SX song so it doesn't matter.
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    Favorite solo

    What's your favorite SX solo? I'd have to say I'm torn between a few. Masquerade and the first real solo in the Odyssey are waaaay up there for me. Buuut you can only pick one so, probably Masquerade.
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    Twilight in Olympus

    XD couldn't have had a better comeback. :lol:
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    Bird/Serpent War lyrics??

    I think that what we have on our hands is a conspiracy. Tori Amos covering Bird Serpant War/cataclysm is a cover up for an even BIGGER threat. Does anyone else smell musical terrorism? Dude original megaman xs and even the earlier ones like 7 are what it's all about. They rock.
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    Self-titled album's songs... with Russell!

    Hah honestly I'd like to hear A lesson Before Dying
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    Bird/Serpent War lyrics??

    I believe that I'll just play all of my Megaman games. In order. While you all have fun playing your Final Fantasies that are never final because there has been like twenty of them. What is it up to now, 12? Plus the others like Tactics and such..
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    Twilight in Olympus

    Well, as long as we're requesting things from Jax, let me just whip out my list of possibilities. It's only 462 pages long.. I think that it might piss Jax off a bit to start a thread for requests for her. XD
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    Bird/Serpent War lyrics??

    TH1$ THR34D PWNZZZZZ!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!11!!!!one!!one!!!!!eleven!!!11!!!111!! LOLZ By the way, we haven't heard anything from Darkblade yet. Maybe the forum join drove him to insanity? "You will not have died in vain!"