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  1. P

    Want Suicide Silence to play in your town?

    Sucide Silence needs to come back to Delaware.
  2. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    nick? What? I'm not a male, a nick, or a nympho.... I'm a Female, an Audra & I'm awesome & also a cannibal.
  3. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    it's only gross when it gets crusty cause it isn't healed all the way & you have to pick at it.. Other than that I love my septum ring.
  4. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Just because you asked...... No. :heh:
  5. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    Hmm... I agree they're kinda gross. Not gross looking but noses are pretty much gross in general. I don't really like bridge piercings.
  6. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    That's a first.... Thank you.
  7. P

    Other recent female-vocal releases -- opinions?

    Arch Enemy's newest cd is my favorite when it comes to females in the metal industry. I'm not fond of Sirenia, or Tristania & I've never heard of epica. I like a few of Within Tempations songs but I'm not very pleased. I don't really like Lacuna Coil. As as aspiring female vocalist, I have a...
  8. P

    Post a pic of you NOW.

    why thank you. out of curiousity why dont you like septum rings?
  9. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    I'll eat you too.
  10. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    hmm... about my signature not working....
  11. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    How nice of you? I'd rather eat you. :lol:
  12. P

    What song would you want COB to cover?

    Something by Rush. hmmm..... Maybe Working Man.
  13. P

    What song would you want COB to cover?

    _DJ_british_motard_: Chicks in metal is kinda hot. Fuckin a chick when listening to metal is hotter though I told my boyfriend I want to have sex to Bed of Nails =D
  14. P

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    I'm Audra. I'm 16. I'm female. I masturbate hardly ever because I have a wonderful boyfriend who does all that for me =D. I like all different kinds of music but I like death metal mostly. My boyfriend got me into Children of Bodom recently & I like them a lot. Follow the Reaper is the only...
  15. P

    mitch's gnarly lows

    Mitch is my idol when it comes to vocals. he has such range!
  16. P

    Whats your favorite song?

    This is a toughy but I would say Price of Beauty. (hence my user name=D) I love the message & everything about it pretty much.
  17. P


    to me selling out means milking your fame for all its worth. for example Kiss... they came out with as many albums as they possibly could not careing whether or not they were good albums because they expected their true fans to buy them anyway. Then they came out with merch out the ass. Merch...