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  1. N

    March 2011 - UK - Headlining (ATTENTION: Norwich postponed)

    Nottingham tomorrow/to-night!!! I must admit my friend and I aren't travelling as far away as from Finland (itself), but we've still got a nice coach journey which tickets cost more than the actual gig. Can't wait. Never been out in Nottingham before. Shame I've given up alcohol for Lent.
  2. N

    Things to do while listening to Turisas

    Homework/revision/coursework Washing up Dancing Travelling on short or long journeys Singing Trying to get warm while looked outside in the cold at school (we're not allowed to go inside the buildings, stupid school =/) That's all I can think of right now :)
  3. N

    Favourite Turisas quote

    ^ Agreed with the costume quote and the sticky quotes!! :D (all of the sticky quotes, they made me chuckle!) And on the video diary: "It's salmon.. nailed to a plank." (Mathias) :Spin: :D
  4. N

    Perfomance added to "In the Court of Jarisleif"

    Thank you, that helped me finding a different version of that same song which Turisas sing. I knew it was called 'Dark Eyes' but that was a very vague piece of information I was given. Thanks! :)
  5. N

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry happy Christmas!! :D
  6. N


    I was up till about 4am (on a school night) texting a guy, along with a 'goodnight' he told me to not dream about him too much, so I had a dream about dog food instead =S. I can't remember the dream at all very well, but I can remember seeing a bowl of dog food. :lol:
  7. N

    TURISAS: No New Album Before 2010

    It's not that long, 2010 just sounds like aaages away :/. But it's nearly 2009 so I think I'll just about survive. But dammit :(
  8. N

    The currently listening to thread

    Jason Webley - Dance While The Sky Crashes Down
  9. N

    The currently listening to thread

    Geordie Folk/Viking Metal :D :lol:
  10. N

    Non-Turisas-Video of Netta...

    You can have alcohol with parents permission from the age of 5, hehe. Darn! Lucky teens in other countries :p
  11. N

    Favourite Musical Instrument?

    Juho is pretty fit ;) Well, I've got a few more years to decide on my career path. I do understand that the job would be hard to do, for those reasons and also because of the outer body examinations.
  12. N

    Non-Turisas-Video of Netta...

    :O Where was that?
  13. N

    Favourite Musical Instrument?

    ^ I think I might have to do that then! :D I saw Korpiklaani yesterday, and I was standing RIGHT in front of Juho (the Accordionist) and (shit) I got soo excited over the fact that there was an Accordion and an Accordionist standing right in front of me :blush:
  14. N

    Non-Turisas-Video of Netta...

    My new puppy seemed to really like this video, heheh :) I still miss Lisko :(, even though Netta is pretty cool.
  15. N

    Non-Turisas-Video of Netta...

    You've got to love Accordions. :D I remember watching that when Netta was announced to be joining Turisas when Lisko disappeared (is he found yet??!), as I had no idea who she was.That was also before my silly amazement with Accordions. She's pretty damn amazing, and that type of Accordion...
  16. N

    Favourite Musical Instrument?

    Something like that :D but I may just settle with just doing autopsies as part of a university degree or something.. Yup I do, not from experience though, the TV glamourises it a lot :lol:. I'd have to buy a lot of perfumed spray :lol:
  17. N

    Favourite Musical Instrument?

    I love Accordions very much:D. I can talk about them all day long, they're just so amazing and ridiculously hard yet fun to play! :) I also like knives.. to cut up dead bodies, as I would like to be the person who does autopsies when I'm older. I suppose you could use those ice-cream scoops to...
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    *Listens* Ooh I like! Thanks! :grin:
  19. N


    ^ I see no problem with that!:D The more, the merrier! :kickass: Who are Stratovarius? I've never heard of he/she/it/them before?
  20. N

    Favourite Musical Instrument?

    I like to chat about Musical Instruments, so I thought I'd ask everyone what their favourite is. :) Sorry if this thread has been done before, I did have a look but I wasn't sure where to look. Plus I havn't made a thread on here yet. :D Soo, what is your favourite Musical Instrument?? And...