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  1. T

    Growls: How far could one go?

    Might be an interesting concept to experiment with. Im going to trying having my singer do a very high pitched scream, while I lay out a very low guttural. Experiment lightly with how closely I can put a tonality to the growl while maintaining the perfect balance of distortion.
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    What's the darjest Opeth album in your opinion?

    In terms of the mood of the music..... My Arms your hearse, no contest. Then Watershed or deliverance.
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    buy Mike an album thread

    tool - 10000 days
  4. T

    Will Smith loves Opeth?

    ^ thats an awesome picture. Who are mike and peter standing over though?
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    Tonight in Ft. Lauderdale

    Hehe, yeah I was on the 2nd floor for a while during Baroness but I couldn't get a good view with so many people up there. Pits are really just a lot of fun, its not much about fighting more so just aggression. It feels great to be in the pit, getting all the rage out of your system. Im glad as...
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    Tonight in Ft. Lauderdale

    Oh wow I forgot Bleak. I was really happy to hear that. Yeah that was my first time hearing anything from Baroness and I was really impressed with them. I'll probably go pick up some of their albums soon. At some point in the show me and some random dude both shouted at the same exact time...
  7. T

    Tonight in Ft. Lauderdale

    The show was fantastic. The pits were way more intense then previous Opeth shows Ive been to. During Deliverance I got either elbowed or punched in the jaw and I blacked out for a moment. Saw a bunch of colors and woke up on the floor. The sound was great, and the band was on fire. They played...
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    Tonight in Ft. Lauderdale

    im goin with my sister and a few dudes from my band. Should be a good show.
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    Wish Opeth shows had more acoustic

    Is that no country for old men?
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    Wish Opeth shows had more acoustic

    I really am not satisfied with the acoustic parts being played on clean electric. They should get a third guitarists who can just play the acoustic parts. I volunteer. Ore they could wear two guitars at once. Keep the acoustic on a strap hanging behind the back, like a backpack almost, then...
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    Favorite acoustic guitar passages.

    The night and silent water, BRI, drapery
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    Any fans of this band here? I find them to be awesome. I really dig their sound and vibe. Its very interesting to me.
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    Hahaha, awesome. Put a big smile on my face.
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    A 2nd Stockholm concert on Dec 18, 2008 !!

    The 18th is my birthday. Wish I could go :(
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    Best Opeth song growl-wise?

    The Moor or April ethereal
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    Do you still listen to Watershed?

    No, I haven't listened to WS in a long time. Still listen to Orchid every other day though :) I like the album but the replay value isent there as much, also theres no magic!
  18. T

    Opeth featured on new Dream Theater dvd

    Yeah at NYC it was Demon Of the FALL Baying Of the hounds Wreath To rid the disease. Drapes Im pretty sure thats what it was. I also left when Dream theater came oin lol
  19. T

    Sept 27th Minneapolis Show Dedicated to Cliff Burton

    ......AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!!! hahahaha