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    Great metal amp for recording?

    I just got a peavey Vypyr tube 60 and i love it but i like a lot of thick bottom end. But not lazy, i has to be tight i am planning on getting a boss metal zone pedal. Any other suggestions for getting a great thrash and death metal tone?
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    Next gig

    When are you gonna do a US tour. I love the band but i want to see you guys live. Come down to florida!
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    Evergrey: Torn

    Here's my first impression of the album Torn by Evergrey Packaging and imagery: The Album comes in a soft shell casing and then folds out. The cover art is eye-catching and is easy to look at. The booklet is your standard pages. Like all of Evergrey's other albums the pages contain the lyrics...
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    Help, doing music on computer!

    For mics, i use a sterling audio ST51 mic and blend it with an e609. The e609 is around 160 but is the closest thing to what your ear is hearing, the sterling will smooth out the bass and makes the amps sound a bit warmer. At that point it's all about placement.
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    Why do you use the tuning that you use?

    I play in dropped C# (C#G#C#F#A#D#) it's an odd tuning and is an aquired taste, but i get the heaviness of C and the clarity of D
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    studio vocal mic

    It could be a few things, either a nuemann u87 or any other large diaphram condenser mic. If it's a dynamic one, then it could be a shure sm7. If you want to get a great full sound sterling audio makes some great mic for under 500 dollars
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    US tour???

    it's very likely that evergrey will tour in the U.S. if the new album goes well, If enough are sold and they have the finances they will come. So, don't buy one album buy 3 or 4!