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  1. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    He can attend our heavy metal vomit parties.
  2. whiskey funeral

    Dumbest Hobbies Inventory

    Yo u so gay :cool:
  3. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Thanks, guys. :) Still so bummed about this, but at I have two other animals (smaller dog and elderly cat) to keep me company. Also, this CASSETTE dude is awesome.
  4. whiskey funeral

    Dumbest Hobbies Inventory

    WTF is wrong with dancing? :lol: Dorks. And as dorky as cosplay can be, the amount of work that goes into making the costumes, etc. is pretty amazing. A lame hobby...collecting rubber stamps? Baseball cards? Boring.
  5. whiskey funeral

    Males and Females

    I'm fat in the chest.
  6. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Had to put one of my dogs down yesterday. :( He was really fucking old and sick. Sucks so bad. He was 13 years old, I've had him since 2003.
  7. whiskey funeral

    The Abnormal Psychology Thread

    Maybe this thread title should be changed to "The Mental Disorder" thread :) . I'm not trying to be a baby but I REALLY don't like the term Autism being used as a slang. It hits a little too close to home.
  8. whiskey funeral

    The Abnormal Psychology Thread

    Have you read some of the responses here? Checking your zipper several times, the obsessive hand washing. Do you have OCD or those tendencies?
  9. whiskey funeral

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Any of you guys dig Whirr?
  10. whiskey funeral

    Males and Females

    So, the dude I was seeing (the one I split up with a couple of weeks ago) was harassing me via texts this week. Crazy stuff. I woke up one day to find 10 texts from him between the hours of 11pm to 3am. He apologized the next day, said he had some sort of wacky depression episode which caused...
  11. whiskey funeral

    The pics thread

    Just thought I should point this out, but Carpe Mortem is super pretty.
  12. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Spent a better portion of yesterday helping out with trolling the Burning Man Facebook page. The internet was amazing for a day.
  13. whiskey funeral

    The Abnormal Psychology Thread

    Dude, don't lump Autistic people in with those fucks. Also, this seems more like an OCD thread, no Autism.
  14. whiskey funeral

    The pics thread

  15. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    This crazy feline keeps rubbing up against my hands as I type. :) But, it kinda makes me happy to know he's adjusted to life here so quickly. Also, I bought fried pickles today. Bye, diet.
  16. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Thank you. :) And Swedish fish! Mmmm! I bought four bags of jellybeans before Easter ended :lol: Two Jolly Rancher and two of the Starburst kind. They will hopefully last me until next Easter.
  17. whiskey funeral

    The pics thread

    This rules. Here...maybe you can try something with this? I started playing around with it on Pixlr but quickly lost my patience.
  18. whiskey funeral

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    That's kinda...not good. Attending the viewing today for my friend's mom :( Not that anyone enjoys going to viewings/funerals, but my anxiety level goes through the roof before heading off to one of these things. WWE pay per view later today. I probably won't even watch all of it because...
  19. whiskey funeral

    Cottage Cheese 101

    Cottage cheese is great plain. It's also good mixed with tuna fish and a VERY SMALL amount of mayo. Yesterday, I ate about a cup of cottage cheese with saltine crackers. So good.
  20. whiskey funeral

    The Seinfeld Thread

    :( And that picture always makes me laugh :lol: