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    I'd like to report a gang rape!

    Australia vs Pakistan WTF!
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    Fucking hell are Forums dying out?

    Nah heckout the In Flames forum, it supports fb login and is a ghost town!
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    Brisbane people!

    Yeah thats what i mean i'll buy the cd, use the bonus dvd then rip the cd onto itunes to listen to it lol.
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    Brisbane people!

    I rarely cds now because of a mortgage but when i have the cash on me i grab something. But then i rip it straight onto itunes :lol:
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    Fucking hell are Forums dying out?

    Its interesting to note In Flames has their forum login set to facebook but its only got like 800 or so posts lol.
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    Fucking hell are Forums dying out?

    Fucking hell thought id sign up on the official Maiden forums because they were huge when forums were at their peak but you need to pay a membership fee of £25! Thats so wrong, forums should always remain outside of that area and free to build your base further! EDIT Geez even the Megadeth...
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    Fucking hell are Forums dying out?

    There's just shy of 140,000 people registered on UM and only 22 online! Majority of the sub forums newest posts are weeks old and this is for Official band forums! Is it just UM or is there any other metal forums you guys can recommend? Its not the same since Dave Mustaine fucked up Total...
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    Brisbane people!

    Yeah I love that song! What do you think of their new stuff? /s
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    Who else is pumped for Carcass?

    Cant believe i'll be seeing them twice in my lifetime! Also going Sepultura \m/ Any word on whose supporting Carcass?
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    What's Shakin' your tin?

    Im hanging for the new Carcass i wont listen to it until i have the cd in my hands! Bought a Kansas 5 pack today from JB for $19.99 they heaps of other 5 album packs too like Dokken, Megadeth, Steve Vai, Satriani.
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    Black Sabbath Australian tour 2013

    Shihad should have stayed at home! The intermission music was more entertaining than them! How the fuck did they get the gig?
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    Breaking Bad - A must watch

    End of the season break was awesome!
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    WOOT WOOT oh boy oh boy oh boy
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    RIP Bucko

    RIP Bucko
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    Guitar Player's Thread

    I got a j-50bc or whatevs sitting in my tool box with a je-1000 mid boost circuit, was original from my 1988 Charvel Model 6 swapped em out for EMG's. Thinking bout putting em into my Jackson Performer 2.
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    Offical Thread for Nikki's b00bs, who are ladies of beauty!

    Five years later did Nikki show tits?
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    I hate cops

    I love cops they keep dick heads off the roads and make the streets safe.
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    How a truck eats a Prius

    My thoughts are its a 4WD not a truck and if you actually wanna see a manly vehicle google "Rum Pig".
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    Southy remember when we use to chat about cheap pc games?

    Years ago we use to chat about how good those Red Ant distributed games where for $10 n etc. Well I think you should check out its a fantastic site created by the developers behind the pc game franchise The Witcher. Gog stands for Good Old Games so obviously they sell games that...