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  1. Carey

    Should people stick to their own kind?

    2 mr. Kasz:I didn't follow the conversation, but it look's like that you have some mental racial problems "multiracial" relations are easy if you don't put stress on appearence or other characteristics. I prefer idea that XX century faced the end of national states, and XXI faced comeplete end...
  2. Carey

    Top 5 Favourite Opeth Songs

    Deliverance Harvest Funeral Portrait Reverie/Harlequin Forest TBYFW
  3. Carey

    "Ignorant America: Just How Stupid Are We?"

    propose another variant of xxx-ism
  4. Carey

    Embracing Genocide

    Answer me what were the reasons for acts of genocide in Kosovo, Jugoslavia, South Osetia, provoked by fucking u.s.? After that I can answer you any issue on genocide.
  5. Carey

    check the muz from Siberian band:kickass:
  6. Carey

    check the muz from Siberian band:kickass:
  7. Carey

    check the muz from Siberian band:kickass:
  8. Carey

    Spam your band here

    check and try to identify the style:kickass:
  9. Carey


    :Smug::) vacancy!
  10. Carey


    Man,you failed! Voland apeared to be not just Satan:Smokedev:, but judge, appointed by the more higher authority:Saint:, with a wide jurisdiction. On other hand he played the role of univerce warder. So why you think He kept these balls,not just for insane “party” , but to deprive...
  11. Carey

    How do they..

    I know that they record the song by parts(riffs) and then they create gaps to connect the pieces
  12. Carey

    How do they..

    watch documentary on Lamentations, they explain there how to do so:)
  13. Carey


    Привет Земляки!!!!!!!:) Наши везде! Смерть Саакашвили &#1080...
  14. Carey


    Привет из Сибири.
  15. Carey

    Your reviews on each album

    Something Wild:10/10 Hatebreeder: 10/10 Follow the Reaper: 9.5/10 Hate Crew Deathroll: 10/10 Are You Dead Yet?: 10/10 Blooddrunk:-1/10 :flame: Попробуйте оспорить!!!!:kickass:
  16. Carey


    :kickass: Good issue, so it comes that black person by default is stupid then white one.
  17. Carey

    Are humans inherently evil?

    "homo homini lupus est" - Tomas Gobbs (Leviaphan) Try to read Nikolo Makiavely "Sovereign". Classics always give straight direction to certan answers:) A simple question in order to get a simple answer: Do you lock your flat/house door when you go sleep or out? here you go.
  18. Carey

    Watershed: Are you disapointed with it?

    I thik they shouldn't been hurry to release new CD after GR. The same goes (maybe) to COB (after Are You Dead Yet?), COF (after Damnation and a Day) and some others.
  19. Carey

    do we hide our sexual desires?

    But may be we should, suxual desire freedom may ,step by step, vanish conscience borders, which keeps society=just filth