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  1. Dak

    The News Thread

    Don't make this about me. Plenty of aCaDeMiCs have pointed out the religion by another name problem with the current moral panics, none more notable for these purposes than McWorter.
  2. Dak

    If Mort Divine ruled the world

    There's tons of building where it's encouraged. Renting is a necessary option but home ownership being discouraged is simply watercarrying for global Capital. So funny to watch
  3. Dak

    The News Thread

    I know you think the religion by another name point is "boorish", but you didn't grow up in a heavily evangelical environment like I did, so I'm uh, quite sensitive to it. Also I did major in philosophy, so I'm sensitive to argument/analogy. As you can see, I use that knowledge a lot. The...
  4. Dak

    The News Thread

    Methodology absolutely calls data into question, as well as implications. There are multiple points in the research process where methodology will push data into different directions. It's incredibly messy and difficult when doing anything involving human participants, to limit it to what I do...
  5. Dak

    The News Thread

    I figured you would attack Ioannidis. Not going to bother to address that. Not sure where you got this big hardon for "knowledge producers" from. They are a part of Foucault's "power structure" don't you know. There's science and there's interpretation and there's translation. "Science moving...
  6. Dak

    The News Thread

    I was trained as a social scientist, and specifically was referred in training to Ioannidis' and Arbsman's work , among others, to help improve scientific output. I didn't merely "seize" them. I'm not criticizing every scientist or every epidemiologist etc. But I can criticize faulty logic...
  7. Dak

    The News Thread

    If you're familiar with the work of Ioannidis and Arbsman, among others, you would know most published science is false or out of date. To ignore this is baserate neglect. Its not arrogance to disagree with "consensus", it's literally the only way actual progress occurs, although of course it...
  8. Dak

    The News Thread

    Early on, the play was to be cautious. The vaccines were always a moonshot and the masks were a stopgap. The power mongers don't understand any of it but they sure do love bad science and a lack of statistical understanding.
  9. Dak

    The News Thread

    Yeah, your chance of dying from COVID-19 variant whatever went from 99.9999999 to 99.99999999. Meanwhile, fuck everyone. The virus is endemic. Everyone is going to get it. Stop being neurotic.
  10. Dak

    The News Thread

    It's back to business as normal in the non-neurotic parts of the US. Literally haven't needed a mask except on federal property and like 1-2 businesses in about 8mos.
  11. Dak

    The News Thread

    I'm talking about the restrictions. I haven't been following protest news. I thought the Commonwealth was taking all the lockdowns just laying flat.
  12. Dak

    The News Thread

    Their witch-hunts, our homeland security. Ironic coming from an Aussie in 2021. A right proper police state happening there right now mate. Seems to be a problem across the Commonwealth.
  13. Dak

    The News Thread

    That number should start going up without the US bombing the fuck out of the place. Gotta give peace a chance! I have a comment but my lull is likely over so I wouldn't want to bash n dash. :p
  14. Dak

    The News Thread

    You know what makes for really fun, stable, prosperous places to live? Lots of young, single, illiterate men. "Crisis". Is that supposed to be a joke? Things are, right this minute, better in Afghanistan than they've been in the lifetimes of the majority of people living there!
  15. Dak

    The News Thread

    You literally didn't get anything I answered. Yes, women were overwhelmingly represented. This is connected to the downside of US involvement.
  16. Dak

    The News Thread

    Yes. The taliban sounds good based on your assertions. You haven't in any way explained why the US is morally responsible to take on any refugees. I've been explaining all the ways in which they aren't. So what 'women's right's advancement' ended. Is that the sole basis for refugee status...
  17. Dak

    The News Thread

    Not sure why you broke all of these takes out. Based on these takes, sound like everything is good. No need for refugees. It's not, to be sure. But the the people advocating for option two seem to be the same people advocating for option one. Perpetually.
  18. Dak

    The News Thread

    You haven't even created goalposts other than "US needs take refugees because". Improved literacy =/= grand improvements in IQ. I also notice you equivocated between Afghans and Afghan females, when there is an imbalance in male/female #s, that favors (or actually in real terms disfavors...
  19. Dak

    The News Thread

    So there was no inhospitable environment before 2001?
  20. Dak

    The News Thread

    Justifying foreverwar. Pretty much all NGOs are garbage front groups for international profiteering, whether backed by the CIA or various other interlocking interests. But if the US didn't cause any turmoil, there would still be justification for taking in refugees because whatever talking...