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  1. JoeDaleFrost

    Equipment Recomendations

    Greetings, I have not posted here at all before but I thought it would be a good place to come for some quality advice on studio recording. First off I am new to recording, I am starting to set up a home studio, I have Pro Tools LE and the Mbox Mini. Some things I need to pick up are ...
  2. JoeDaleFrost


    Ameoseurs, most leans on the side of post punk but on the first e.p and the split it is a little pop punk. But I do not mind at all.
  3. JoeDaleFrost


    It is suppose to be pop punk, you never said it was weak? I guess, you insinuating that pop punk is always weak, I find the music very strong, it brings out alot of emotion and that to me is strength, not someone talking about murdering and raping woman.
  4. JoeDaleFrost


    Exactly what the music is suppose to be.
  5. JoeDaleFrost


    I guess I like to say amazing...:lol:
  6. JoeDaleFrost


    I am looking for a drummer to drum for a shoegaze/black metal band I am doing, entitled Weeping Earth. Depressive black metal vocals and alot of emotion... No one at all seems to be interested in drumming though.
  7. JoeDaleFrost


    Thats is amazing! His illustrated movies are amazing. Like already said, Les Discrets are an amazing band.
  8. JoeDaleFrost


    I do not hear any shoegaze in any Amoeseours releases, alot of post rock and post punk but no shoegaze. On the other hand alcest is pure shoegaze.
  9. JoeDaleFrost


    The new album is amazing. I am looking forard to the new Alcest album, it will be including some harsh vocals again, might be a nice change we will see.
  10. JoeDaleFrost

    Black Metal Mayhem III

    Thanks for showing me those pictures man! That is much appreciated, if you were wondering I am the guitarist on the right side of the stage with no shirt. Thanks again man!
  11. JoeDaleFrost

    New Design and News at !!!

    Very nice! I like the layout alot.
  12. JoeDaleFrost

    Black Metal Mayhem III

    Also I will be posting pictures soon and hopefully a video.
  13. JoeDaleFrost

    Black Metal Mayhem III

    The show was AWESOME! Not that great of attendance but the people there were awesome, met many new cool people. We played a pretty decent set, Black Empire were awesome, and Eclipse Eternal were fucking spectacular. The aftershow drinking was awesome with Eclipse Eternal and Leather King...
  14. JoeDaleFrost

    "Independent Nature: The Best of Woods of Ypres 2002-2007" Vote for the cover art!

    I like the natural red and B&W, my vote goes for B&W.
  15. JoeDaleFrost

    Black Metal Mayhem III

    Friday, anyone go? My band is playing tomorrow, rented a u haul and spent the day getting things ready and jamming.
  16. JoeDaleFrost

    Demo photos

    Thank you very much I'm really glad to hear that. We have spent alot of time on the songs, editing the contruction and order of the riffs, we also spent a long time recording to ensure it was going to come out great.
  17. JoeDaleFrost

    Demo photos

    I'm going to that, see you there.
  18. JoeDaleFrost

    Demo photos

    A few new songs up: We are also trying out a keyboardist in the week, Morgan (bass & vocals of Bolero)
  19. JoeDaleFrost

    Music Pleasures Outside of Metal

    Crust Punk Hardcore Punk