Search results

  1. ali3

    ESP M-II sounds wavy (oscillating tone)

    Hello guys, i bought an ESP M-II. The problem is the wavy tone: Example: I tried already different amps. I can hear that the problem comes from the guitar itself. I am sure that the pickups aren't the problem here. I already lowered...
  2. ali3

    My Bands latest EP!

    Hello everyone! Check out this Preview. what do you guys think? What can we improve upon for the next record (mixwise)? What bugs you about it and what do you like? Any feedback is appreciated! :) Thanks Guys!
  3. ali3

    Dealing with scratchy Vocals ?!

    Hey, this is dry, no effects what should i do to get these vocals better? I mean this guy is not bad but he always has this "rattling" in his vocals. I think this only can get better by improving his technique. What should i tell him to...
  4. ali3

    Short Cable <-> Long Cable - Shootout

    Hey guys, just a blind-test. Which file(s) sound better? Please answer for DI and for distorted Sound.
  5. ali3

    Velocity Problem !!!

    Hey i bought some cymbals of joey. but it sounds like a playing robot. is there a chance to set random velocity in kontakt? Or is the only way to set the velocities by hand ? if so, could someone make a tutorial? i don't know how to do it. cymbals from 80 to 127 ? what should it look...
  6. ali3

    [Editing] Where is your position of Transient/Peak relative to the Click/Kick ?

    What do u think ? what achieves the tightest sound? And what about Bass? same as guitar?
  7. ali3

    Please rate my tone.

    Hey guys here it is: UPDATE 1: too bass heavy ? not mastered it is a drop A song from another thread with stems i know there are many problems =/. but i need some good ears to tell me what is wrong =) here is...
  8. ali3

    Bass and limiter?

    Hey are some guys here who put a limiter on bass? i tried it but the result is only an undefined humming bass in the background. EDIT: oh -___- wrong forum .. move this thread please ! sorry
  9. ali3

    Boomy Guitars

    Hey I used the c4 to tame. But the result didn't satisfy me cause i can't get it away. NEW here the guitar is boomy,too. cause of the 100-110 hz range. but i can't take this away. it ends in thin guitars. thanks guys =)
  10. ali3

    Asking Alexandria - Stand up and Scream

    Hey how did you get those palm mutes in the riffs so f***ing clean? i mean: if i turn the gain down on my amp i come close to something like that but then the high end lacks gain. and conversely so i never get to the point: -> ultra clear palm mutes ( less gain ) -> acceptable...
  11. ali3

    pod VS "good Interface"

    hey i record through my cheap line6 toneport ux1. Could someone do a comparison between "pod" and a "good interface" (like a saffire pro) with a guitar ? i know the a/d converter of the good interface will be better ^^ but i just want to know how much the pod "destroys" the sound ...
  12. ali3

    my best mix ( pod + SSD )

    edit: [ better title would be "tone test" ] hey Master: No Master: i think this is my best mix. but this does not mean it is good cause my old mixes were very bad bass and guitars are podfarm i know...
  13. ali3

    is there something like profire 2626, but "smaller" ???

    Hey guys, is there an interface that has the quality of the profire. I just need the qaulity , not this many inputs. just one for instrument and one for the mic like a toneport from line6 thanks =)
  14. ali3

    need help with "lifeless" mix (fireball, pod, SSD)

    Hey =) update: not mastered: mastered: My Band recorded a Metalcore-song .We mixed/mastered this...
  15. ali3

    Please try to help me with this mix

    hey mix: i want to achieve a better sound ^^ but i think this is the best sound i ever got ( i am a noob =) ) again, i maybe could have a better timing on the guitar and it could be cleaner.. =/ but, are there other things i could...
  16. ali3

    Fizzy mix and strange sound

    Hey update: UPDATE 2 : i need as much criticism I can get !!! :) this mix is very strange .. when i listen to it on headphones it sounds totally different , everything is seperated and the guitars...
  17. ali3

    Metal / trance -> Tone Test ... Any opinions?

  18. ali3

    Reduce Fizz from Palm Mutes

  19. ali3

    Podfarm / SSD / Metal - PLEASE HELP
