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  1. Kanyon

    The best jokes..

    Got a few for you - Favourite is the first one: ____ A guy is driving around Tennessee and he sees a sign in front of a house: "Talking Dog For Sale." He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a Labrador retriever sitting...
  2. Kanyon

    A question to Mr.V

    I cannot believe that people are obsessed with the Vintersorg hair thing. I mean really, whats going on? If he really wants to be able to grab a guitar and throw some hair around over his shoulders there are always wigs, those hats with the hair attached to them and hair extensions. What we...
  3. Kanyon

    Acoustic album

    I have been giving this a bit of thought. I also think that some of the older stuff would be more interesting. I am reluctant to say Dawn of the End because it already has a largish acoustic part in it. Then I also think that Oceans Rise is in the same boat. At first I was thinking about...
  4. Kanyon

    This HAS to be mentioned

    I had never caught this before, so I had a careful listen. It turned out that I didnt have to pay that much attention at all, it came out clear as day - "Arr, cheeseburger madness". I see advertising potential here going begging! Thats a great find, well done.
  5. Kanyon

    Borknagar or Vintersorg, who started it? Poll

    I first discovered Borknagar, Vortex era. So when Vintersorg joined I didn't have a clue about what else he was involved in. I have still only heard bits and pieces of Vintersorg, but what I have heard so far I like.
  6. Kanyon

    Farewell everyone....

    I am afraid that there has come a time for me also where I will be leaving clan =UM=. I have enjoyed every second that I have played under the tag for the past couple of months, however the time has come to depart, even if for now, I might always come back in the future. The problems for me...
  7. Kanyon

  8. Kanyon

    The new Borknagar-site

    I don't believe it :grin: :p That sucks man. Hope everything goes better this time. I will be very interested to see the new site, I have been having a look at your other two sites in the meantime while waiting. Very tidy :Spin:
  9. Kanyon

    Clan UM Roster

    Sorry to necro-bump threads now and all. But I was going to actually ask xenophobe if it is still possible to get one of the (official) sig pics with my name on it? Do you still have the source image? Or is it gone? Gone I say! Gone! (If you can do this, I am talking whenever you feel...
  10. Kanyon

    UT1 Clan ada. movie

    Hey:wave: I never actually saw this thread because of my "late start" in the =UM= clan. But yeah, awesome video, the shock rifle with grav boots was pretty cool. And of course, those two amazing combos, that one in Liandri all the way across the map and the one (dont remember the map name)...
  11. Kanyon

    I finally saw another UMer in UT2K4!

    Ah, I play it heaps. (You have to consider that I play on servers without the stats enabled too.) Yes, bad statistics, but look at the Rear HellBender Turret Stats :grin: I have seen a few people playing here and there, though...
  12. Kanyon

    Hi-speed is back, now, how do I find you boys on UT?

    But if he still has his own CD key and knows someone with a copy of the game he might be able to borrow them to install the game with his cd key again. See now, this is why I am against companies bothering with copy protection. What does it achieve? You buy the game like Tanith has and cannot...
  13. Kanyon

    Any Perl programmers here? PHP?

    I have never really liked programming, but I don't mind the "web" sort of coding. So I have learnt a little PHP, but would really like to learn a whole lot more. See I think that with Perl I just sort of looked at it and thought why bother, because it looked far too complicated for what I was...
  14. Kanyon

    Hi-speed is back, now, how do I find you boys on UT?

    Yeah, I am bad at the game on the whole... Shockingly very very bad at Deathmatchs. It wasnt pretty.... Why do you need a new copy of the game Tanith?
  15. Kanyon

    New Borknagar Interview- sept. 2004 (English - Spanish)

    That was a very enjoyable read. Great questions too, some of them I was really interested in, because they are similar questions to what I would have had.
  16. Kanyon

    Video- Future Reminiscence

    If this is what happens when he cuts his hair, I would hate to hear the riot if he were to shave his beard :loco: :tickled: :grin:
  17. Kanyon

    The Band Name Game

    Mytile Vey Lorth
  18. Kanyon


    It's strange. Sometimes I have these dreams which are really detailed and I can recall them very well. But then there are ones that I can barely remember. This dream was so out there and seemed so real that I wrote about it somewhere else at the time it happened, which I think helped me...
  19. Kanyon

    The stats are back up!

    DE, I am still =UM=Kanyon and I did see you on a server the other day but when I went to join it said that the version that the server was running was "out of date" whats with that eh? And I have also seen Pieless and Pancakes playing the odd game. Except I have had even less luck...
  20. Kanyon

    The Band Name Game
