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  1. Sora01

    New song. Bit rusty but happy with the mix and results. (Bleeding Skies) [Metal Instrumental]

    Hi all, Been a while since I've posted here. Let me know what you think of the mix! God I need a new Bass. My current one has so many issues with wiring. Got some decent takes though. Also found some issues with my toggle for the neck pickup, needs a resolder probably. So ended up using the...
  2. Sora01

    First time recording in like 4 years. New Rig, New DAW, New everything basically.

    Got bored during lockdown and wrote this with my new setup
  3. Sora01

    First time recording in like 4 years. New Rig, New DAW, New everything basically.

    Thanks man! I'm gonna make a full song this weekend and hopefully tighten up the bass. Always had a hard time getting a decent bass tone tbh and making sure it's controller in the sub.
  4. Sora01

    Looking for feedback on new mix

    Really like this! Feeling the vibes at the start. Kind of agree about the snare from above posts. I don't think purely raising the volume will help much though. Potentially a nice big open reverb with a nice comp to bring out the body a bit more and some sort of transient designer?
  5. Sora01

    First time recording in like 4 years. New Rig, New DAW, New everything basically.

    Hey guys! Man its been a while. First time I've made something in ages. Going to try writing a new song soon. Just trying to get a decent starting ground before I do. I think the bass may be a bit overkill and flubby but let me know what you guys think.
  6. Sora01

    Wazzupp everyone?

    Heyo! I periodically pop back and get a little sad at the loss of much of the old forum culture. I never really use the new social media platforms either, bit of a shitshow. I really miss chatting and sharing stuff back and forth with other peeps here. If there was a way to bring it back to late...
  7. Sora01

    What happened to this forum?

    I came back to this site after buying some new equipment to get back into recording after selling all my stuff years ago to focus on my career. This is the first thread I came across...pretty sad to see how quiet it's gotten. I've read all the responses here and I don't think I can add anything...
  8. Sora01

    Panning while tracking guitars

    Always number 1. They're also already panned usually but it doesn't particularly matter. The main thing is avoiding the distraction of an already tracked guitar part. If you track both parts extremely tight, they'll sit right. If you mess up the first time and follow that mistake because the...
  9. Sora01

    New terrible song - Kuroneko. Rate my mix plox

    Hey guys, finished this one tonight. I've got a whole ton of hand-ins for university this week and somehow i squeezed this out during the late nights. Anyways I'd appreciate any feedback! Enjoy!
  10. Sora01

    New project, fresh mix, would appreciate any feedback!

    Hey guys, Recently finished up my new bands first demo and would welcome and feedback or criticism at all. I'm wondering if it's ridiculously boomy, the biggest change is the bass in the mix. It's hard as hell to mix the low end in such a small room, but that should change in the near...
  11. Sora01

    Bleeding Skies - Aigis Single [Video inside!]

    Hey guys, I recently announced a new album through my solo project Bleeding Skies. I've decided to release a single from the album which is due out in three weeks. Appreciate any feedback!
  12. Sora01

    Hatsune Miku - Packaged (Metal/Djent Remix)

    Just finished this in one sitting for fun today. Made it for fun today, about to change my strings and it will no longer be in drop yeah, thought I'd record at least one more thing in drop F Don't take it too seriously. I'm...
  13. Sora01

    Gangnam Style [Metal Remix]

    It's the piccolo from s2.0 The guitars are axe fx firmware 9.0
  14. Sora01

    Gangnam Style [Metal Remix]

    So I remixed/covered this song the other day for a laugh, it didn't turn out great in my opinion. However I'm quite digging this mix. Any opinions? I used a heavier on the low end bass tone and used a multi band Comp too. It's sounding like one of my best mixes universally to me, but I can't...
  15. Sora01

    using compression on distorted guitar?

    I find using a limiter on the end of my rhythm bus can give the guitars a little extra presence if needed. It only works in certain projects like others have said.
  16. Sora01

    New EP - Bleeding Skies - Djent and progressive ambient stuff. [Axe FX and s2.0]

    Thanks man! :notworthy haha yeah, Ped from WE is a good friend of mine. Yeah that's my cover :) I love that anime too! I write my songs straight after watching anime most of the time.
  17. Sora01

    New EP - Bleeding Skies - Djent and progressive ambient stuff. [Axe FX and s2.0]

    Hey guys, I've been working on releasing SOMETHING under my solo project for the last...3 or 4 years, I've been posting on here since I had initially gotten into mixing and mastering. Let me just say that some old members of this...
  18. Sora01

    New progressive tech song for my project Bleeding Skies

    Just released this song tonight. It's from my solo project Bleeding Skies' new EP dropping on april the 28th! Can be found here Appeciate any feedback good and bad! Can also be found here but youtube destroyed the audio with it's...
  19. Sora01

    Free song to mix and master. Video Inside. Bleeding Skies - Hatsune Miku Cover

    I don't have time to re record it as DIs, I only done this for a friend, I'm sorry if you don't like the guitar tone :p