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  1. musictrivianut

    Lotus Eater Query

    Yep, that was pretty great. I think he said something like, "and the next song begins like this," and started humming. The crowd went nuts.
  2. musictrivianut

    Is Opeth the only Death Metal band you like?

    This is my story, as well, except I gave them a try around 2002-2003. Didn't really "get" them until Ghost Reveries. And yes they are the only ones I listen to.
  3. musictrivianut

    Regarding the funk passage in The Lotus Eater

    I wish the funk bit was even longer.
  4. musictrivianut

    Go to Wikipedia.

    That's awesome!
  5. musictrivianut

    Introduce Yourself - the n00b thread

    Why not? My name is Wayne, 40 years old, living in the US (Maryland, near Baltimore). I've seen the band twice - 26 May 2008 on ProgNation with Dream Theater and 26 October 2008, headlining, in Washington DC. I basically got into the band after hearing about them over at Mike Portnoy's forum...
  6. musictrivianut

    Oct 26: Baltimore - last night of the tour

    Wouldn't happen to have the entire show to share, would you? I'd love to have a copy.
  7. musictrivianut

    Do you still listen to Watershed?

    I still listen to it quite frequently. It's on rotation in the car, along with Ghost Reveries, Blackwater Park and Still Life.
  8. musictrivianut

    Funny things youve heard

    Ooh, my first Suave on this forum. Check out
  9. musictrivianut

    Does the clipping like noise at the begining of Hopes Leaves bother you?

    Actually, I think it's quite cool. I don't know what the real story is, but I see it as an homage to the Beatles. They did the same thing on Abbey Road, ending side one with I Want You (She's So Heavy), which went into heavy distortion and suddenly cut off. When you flipped it to side two...
  10. musictrivianut

    Does the clipping like noise at the begining of Hopes Leaves bother you?

    That "noise" is the end of Closure. And no, it doesn't bother me, because I adjusted the rip for the MP3s I made from my CD and eliminated it from Hope Leaves, giving me a copy without it. So, if I listen to my MP3, it's not there. And for the CD, well, one song runs right into the other, so...
  11. musictrivianut

    Oct 26: Baltimore - last night of the tour

    Okay, I'll bite. How did you manage to talk to them afterward? Granted I didn't try very hard, but I looked around afterward and didn't see any buses anywhere, so I didn't know where to wait to possibly meet them. Assuming that they'll be back early next year, I would love to have a chance to...
  12. musictrivianut

    Oct 26: Baltimore - last night of the tour

    High On Fire would have been better if the dude had been wearing a shirt. I was too distracted by his god-awful gut to enjoy anything. Opeth rocked, though! Mikael was in top form with the banter. My favorite was everybody shouting "Fuck you, you fucking fucker!"