Search results

  1. T

    Favorite local thrash/punk bands.

    I really enjoy going to small local shows and parties and watching the usual small local bands play. They have a different sort of feel to them, a different vibe. And I really do like the music that some of them make. So I want to hear the other small local thrash or punk bands, at least on...
  2. T

    New Black Dahlia Murder album coming out!!

    Never liked COB. They just have such a wimpy, repetetive sound. Again, this is my opinion, haha. I don't even know where this thread is going. It looks like one of those, "No, X band is X-X/X genre, not X-X/X/X-/-X genre, idiot".
  3. T

    New Black Dahlia Murder album coming out!!

    Nocturnal is my absolute favorite album ever. TBDM is my favorite band. I've only heard the song "A Selection Unnatural" from their upcoming album, and from what I've heard, it's just ok. Not absolutely mind blowingly awesome, like Nocturnal was to me. I'm just worried that they too are...
  4. T

    Band names ABC's.

    Here's how it works: I'll start out with a band who's name starts with the letter A. The next person will state a band who's name starts with the letter B, and so on and so forth. No avoiding letters like Q and X and Z, and they have to be a metal band, any kind of metal, death, glam...
  5. T

    An old vid of me playing guitar/introducing myself

    Decided I should sort of introduce myself to this forum, haha. Here's a vid of me playing guitar about two years ago, that I decided to put on youtube about a year ago (I think). I was 14 then, so that would make me 16 now, hahaha. I came up with some cheesy arpeggio succession and told my...
  6. T

    Extremely talented metal/thrash guitarist looking for a band.

    I'm 16 years old, and I've been playing for 5 years now. I'm extremely talented and can quickly adapt to a band's unique style. I live in Murrieta, California so if you're in my general area (nowhere too far away preferred) please contact me via this forum. I can and will be commited to a...
  7. T

    A Question of Science (Or Whatever)

    The Sun runs by fusing hydrogen atoms into helium atoms. The true end of the world will come when the Sun runs out of its fuel, being hydrogen. It will start converting helium into carbon, and the sun will heat up and expand, so large that it will envelop the orbits of Mercury, Venus, and come...
  8. T

    Something Must Have Come From Nothing...

    You have a great point, but this "god" you speak of is not always a symbol of absoulute truth and understanding. The definition of the word "faith" mentions nothing of the sort. You can put faith into anything without knowing the truth behind it, i.e. putting faith into something such as a...
  9. T

    Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

    I think ive got the coolest guitar strap of them all:
  10. T

    Death Penalty

    I personally agree with reinstating the death penalty. However, this raises the question: Why did we put in the death penalty in the first place? It was (and still is) generally reguarded as the end of the line, the most heinous form of punishment. But how much worse would it be to have to...