Search results

  1. theforgotten

    Core/Djenty stuff needs singer!

    Hi guys!This is one of our(me and my friend's) song which is in the finishing stages of writing and arranging so now we are off to quest for singer.Anyone SERIOUSLY interested(by seriously interested i mean someone passionate and dedicated person who can deliver lyrics and vocals withing week or...
  2. theforgotten

    Iron Maiden collaboration

    Tnx dude!Up the irons! \m/
  3. theforgotten

    Iron Maiden collaboration

    Can I enter the collaboration?I'm interested in doing Stranger In A Strange Land.I can provide guitars,drums and synth.I have decent equipment at home also I have access to 6505+ JCM2000 2 marshall cabs and hughes and kettner cab.If anyone's interested please let me know in which key should I...
  4. theforgotten

    Bass guitar "blending" into the mix...?

    When you limit the bass how much GR you usually have?
  5. theforgotten

    A Full Song Of Stems For You

    Here's my try!
  6. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Sorry ahjteam,006 and Mago for misunderstanding.English is not my main language and sometimes I have difficulties to write what I mean on English.I just wanted to say that I told Lasse that I'll try to make web site for his domain not drum samples shop since he told me that...
  7. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    You are calling me a thief?
  8. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Tnx dude I really appreciate!First of all Lasse asked for someone to rebuild his Drum Samples page instead of using bigcartel's page.I offered him a design for his drum samples page and also out of fun I did design for his official page.He liked both of the designs but he told me that he found...
  9. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Tnx Uncle Jason!I'll edit the html code for tags after I finish the interface of the page and all content of the page also I don't like auto play on the music player too.I'm building the site slowly because I'm producing a band so everyday I have to work on to different projects.
  10. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Guys chill out!This is after 2 days of work (nav is copied just to have some links to show him)and the text in ABOUT page is just copied from Lasse's myspace.Lasse told me what to change on that text and said that its ok.If I have to choose between and...
  11. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Looks awesome dude!I liked all your previous web pages too. :rock:
  12. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    I don't see any screws on your official page.Guess I used them first! :D
  13. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Thank you guys! HvO I was thinking about the same when I added that font and if Lasse can provide me scanned document with his signature I'll be more than happy to use it I wanted to look more artistic but I'll keep it simple and clean and about the sounds I was thinking to put audio...
  14. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    As some of you know few days ago I started working on Lasse's official website and this is so far what is done: I decided to build the page in flash instead of HTML This way looks more artistic and more dynamic.With few background sounds and effects...
  15. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Thanks!Since someone else is going to work on LSD Drum Samples page I'll remove that design.
  16. theforgotten

    What do you think?(Web design related)

    Few days ago I saw Lasse's post in Gear For Sale section of the forum asking for someone to create design for his LSD Drum Sample shop so I started working immediately.Also I did design for his official web page showed the designs to Lasse and he liked very much.I hope...
  17. theforgotten

    Happy birthday Andy

    Happy Birthday!Best Wishes! :rock:
  18. theforgotten

    Stymphalian Productions guitar re-amping for the band I'm producing

    This is one of the bands I'm recording.I'm putting together some video clips from recording sessions so soon as I have something finished I'll share with you guys.Hope you'll like it.Cheers!
  19. theforgotten

    I need someone to create an internet shop for me

    I'm good in designing html web pages too.I can help for a small amount of money.Cheers!
  20. theforgotten

    Stymphalian Productions guitar re-amping for the band I'm producing

    On some parts of the video he sounded like Andy :)