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  1. harmonic_minor_shred

    What kinda girls do you go for?

    I go for rich girls, and single mums. Because I can.
  2. harmonic_minor_shred

    Women are crazy.....really.

    LOL. Is everyone here 12?? It's not the 'bad' that girls like, it's the confidence Women want men, not boys who think they are nice (when actually they have intentions they are trying to hide), they want men who go out and do things in the world and go for what they want, not boys who are...
  3. harmonic_minor_shred

    a bit late, but: Arnie AMA

    uh oh, do many reddit threads get posted here???
  4. harmonic_minor_shred

    Driving on the right side vs driving on the left side of the road

    Driving with the steering wheel on the right is easy and natural...(how we do it in australia). and if you were to switch, just use automatic and stop complaining lol.
  5. harmonic_minor_shred

    The best gig you've ever been to?

    The Ghost Inside/The Amity Affliction in September last year!
  6. harmonic_minor_shred

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    Hahaha I love this one
  7. harmonic_minor_shred

    why you do this .

    I like these sort docos too. Thanks for this, I ordered the DVD now. The interviews towards the second half are very interesting.
  8. harmonic_minor_shred

    Recommend books to read.

    Audrey Niffenegger - The time traveler's wife Dean Koontz - Odd Thomas
  9. harmonic_minor_shred

    anyone know of any good 7 string guitar lesson sites/books/dvds?

    I was gonna say this too, and it doesn't extend the range of your guitar by that much when you think about it. If it were a keyboard you were playing, having the seventh string is the equivalent of just adding an extra 5 keys (2 black and 3 white) to the low end of the keyboard. Scales...
  10. harmonic_minor_shred

    Realizing I'm not a tr00 metalhead... and glad about it!

    I agree with all these posts! It used to be all about the tech and shred and obscure bands for me, but after going to a variety of live shows, I've found that I always have the most fun at pop punk, post hardcore, and hardcore punk shows, especially upcoming local bands. I was usually bored at...
  11. harmonic_minor_shred


    I have this hoodie, it's a really good one:
  12. harmonic_minor_shred


    When I read the thread title I thought this was going to be someone trolling. Damn, this is a really insane performance, sounds really good!
  13. harmonic_minor_shred

    Job for a Cowboy info and my podcast. Come in here.

    Woah you're good. Cool lick, I subscribed!
  14. harmonic_minor_shred

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    A friend of mine is in his fifth year of medicine, he was doing a gynocology prac unit this year, and he told me the youngest woman he got to see was probably at least 40 :lol:
  15. harmonic_minor_shred

    Incredible live performances

    Fuck yes that's what I'm talking about! TDEP, Converge, and The Chariot all look awesome live from what I've seen in videos, but I've missed all of them whenever they came here. Meshuggah sounded amazing when I saw them at Soundwave festival last year, too bad they only played 5 songs, 4 of...
  16. harmonic_minor_shred

    Incredible live performances

    Fuck yes. I was lucky enough to see them play at a small club in April last year. Sounded amazing, and it looked like they really cared about being there even though it was a small place. Dying Fetus and Suffocation were really tight and brutal when I saw them too. DEP look awesome live! I...
  17. harmonic_minor_shred

  18. harmonic_minor_shred

    Your favorite "WOW" - Riffs

    Same! I used to listen to that part so much. This song is so intense live: 3:11 to the end is the best part.
  19. harmonic_minor_shred

    Your favorite "WOW" - Riffs

    Make them Suffer, from Perth: Whole song is awesome, really cool riff at 3:12, but the best part is from 4:56 to the end of the song. I highly recommend this band, they've only released one EP and have been touring the country, but I know they have fans in Europe and the USA.