Amp or pedal gain


May 16, 2007
Ok i have just found the beauty of amp gain. So whats everyones preference?

List the amp/pedal...

Im using a Crate BV120 with no pedal.
I have a Digitech Tone Driver on the way that I will use as a solo boost.
Another use for TS-type pedals is increasing midrange response to slam the amp harder while tightening the response.

I use different things just for amusement - I mod the hell out of random pedals as a hobby, so I can safely say that good pedal gain has tons of uses. I just decided that I needed another DS-1 to mod, so I've ordered one up and will be getting it in shortly - I've found that if you know what you want out of your distortion there's a hell of a lot to be said for being able to just reach out and grab it yourself. When you get right down to it, it's just another tube/solid state argument and that's about the end of that - a lot of amps these days aren't even designed to let the power tubes distort, and even when they are very few people wind up using them at the volumes necessary to get a real improvement; I prefer solid state and I know how to get the sounds I want so I have that problem settled. If you like your amp distortion, use it; if you don't like it, get a Voodo or FJA mod for it and see if that makes it any better.

Hey im happy with the sound im getting straight out of my amp. I just want to see what ppls different opinions are. You can learn alot just buy reading others opinions.
Yeah, I like the gain on my amp but I've gotten so far into modding things that I don't even think about whether something is amp-distortion or pedal-distortion or flying-badger-distortion or anything like that. They're all basic circuits revolving around slamming the shit out of some poor amplification stage that'll never know what hit it, some just come in bigger, shinier boxes.

Ok, i have a quick question, i hope you guys don't mind if i ask it in this thread.i have this amp
I get a half-3/4 decent tone for rhythm, and for leads it kinda sounds like a cat mewing sometimes and makes practicing on distorsion at times very frustrating :lol: So i dunno if it would work with a tube screamer since i'm not sure if it has all tubes or the kind of tubes needed to work with a tube screamer or something like that (if you guys can figure it out, please do, that is why i put the link there). If i get a pedal, but not a metalzone please that pedal is awful imho, and use it to boost the guitar signal (in front of the amp, as it doesn't have an effects loop) would i get a better lead tone? I have the gain set at around 2 o clock on it, higher than that just sounds muddy as hell. It might be my shit guitar and pickups, but i will see if that changes when i get my hellraiser7 in a week or two:kickass: :kickass: If not, what do you guys recommend to do with it in terms of pedals, modding and stuff like that.
muchas gracias
Not a 'tube amp' by most standards - just one in the preamp, and it may even be a starved-plate at that, so I wouldn't gamble on that being the best thing. Plus, it's a modeler built around a tube that was originally picked for price (NOT tone)... abandon hope, all who enter here with the impression that they're getting a Rec.

Ok, I'm really just a sarcastic, elitist bastard... ignore that. It takes a bit of work to get a good sound out of it - it's not doing Ride The Lightning, kid, sorry... but it can be pretty slamming if you spend a good bit of time and your pickups don't suck. Generally, modeling amps at that price do not like other distortion coming in to their distortion channels, so I wouldn't boost it. You might, however, appreciate some pedal distortion - Danelectro Fab Metal (not bad for the price, but unless you feel like soldering components the size of a pen's point you're not modding it), Ibanez SM-7 (two 4558 chips - the same chips used in 'classic' Tube Screamers - set up for great sounds; a bit more gain than I like using in most cases but it's fun to play with... and it's fairly mod-friendly, if five separate PCBs and multiple gain/clip stages don't scare your balls back into your ribcage), Boss DS-1 with TONS of mods (pending the outcome of my newest toy - ordered one of these on an impulse-buy and I'm waiting for it to come in - I might be able to mod something for you), or even maybe a DIY box if you feel like putting something together.

I can't remember what your gear is, but I have little doubt that a beast like a Hellraiser will help your case (unless the 707s decide that they want to rape your poor little Valvetronix in every hole they find and a few that aren't there yet... in which case you needed an upgrade anyway; I've heard of bad things happening when a modeling system expects Bud Light and you shove Guinness down its throat); wouldn't recommend buying more than, say, $60 of new gear until you've seen whether you're happier with a better guitar.

One thing to remember... if you're at 2:00 on the model I'm assuming you're using (US HiGain) I'd say that you might be saturating things too much. Take this with a grain of salt, keeping in mind that I like having a range from 'mild breakup' with light picking to the clip I posted on the other thread (without changing anything but attack), but I'd say that you'll like the amp better if you let it breathe a bit.

I wouldn't mod that, apart from maybe plunking down ten bucks for a Tesla 12AX7 just to see if that helps a little (I'm doubting that it will), but try one or two of the pedals above (hell, just order a Fab Metal for the hell of it, it's $15 and if you don't like it with that amp you can just carry it around and use it on a micro-amp for traveling) and see if you can get them hard enough. In a couple of weeks I'll put up clips from my modded DS-1 - I have two weeks left before summer classes, I've already set up Debian from scratch on the new computer, and I'm going to run out of books to read before too long, so I'll have plenty of things to play with and I might be able to set you up with a good mod.

2 o clock is not that saturating, the maximum being around five thirty. I'm using the NUmetal channel, as it gets the most gain with the least noise with the most attack. I am using one of the clean channels, i actually dig the clean channel on that one.
I will try playing with it a little more tomorrow, maybe trying to squeeze a little better lead tone from it. As I'm buying a hellraiser, considering getting the 100$ mic guru recommends in the sticky thread above and a m-audio delta and maybe some more lessons from Steve, and on top of that have weed money left over, i will probably not be able to invest in more an amp. This amp gets pretty loud so if i can get a better tone from it I will have a decent practice/band practice/shit eventual gigs amp. What do you think about getting a POD or GT8 and putting that in front of the amp (on the clean channel)?
btw, thanks dude for all the info
P.S. you need to get laid too:lol: :lol:
I can't recall if he tends to recommend the 57 or the i5 more, but either of those are great for $100 - if you get the 57, there's a quick mod that you can do to it that'll make it kick even more ass.

For the record, I've compared the gain-on-tap of that one with the amp I use. Granted, I'm using a JB in one guitar and a D Activator in the other, with fucking massive strings and high tension, but I sit around 10:00 when I'm feeling adventurous. You'll be able to tell a lot about your playing from the clean channel, though, so that's good.

For the POD/GT8/whatever, you'll probably do well with one of those. PODs are everywhere, Opeth gets their sound from a GT8... just don't get a Behringer because they're inferior and their business model is unethical as all hell. I'd go GT-8 or Digitech, myself, but I'd also have a few pedals tweaked here and there for my distortion. You can set that amp so that it'll be transparent enough for one of those to kick ass, so if you don't like that with a bit more tweaking check those out.
