Andy B. Franck Official Fanpage


Speak my Mind
Hey metal brothers n' sisters!
Just few words to let you know I will launch soon, the official Andy B Franck Homepage in english-german-french!!
I will add links to the official websites (Brainstorm+Symphorce ...and by the way I hope you will do te same guys...we're just brothers of metal) and especially many more surprises about our metal god!!
Last thing: May I use some pix (for the largest Andy Be God 's Gallery on the Net, eh, eh, eh...) from your websites as I read some of u updated with pix from BYH...
Just be patient... I won't update all at once...
Living for Metal
HELLcome CyberCy!
Just let me/us know when the site will be launched and I will of course add the link to our linkspage.
As for the pics, just send Nico an email and ask him :)