another gear question to james... (acoustic guitar?)


Mar 25, 2005
Paris, France
Hi there,
These days I'm looking forward to purchase an acoustic guitar, but I'm completely lost with all the models available on the market, as I have always been an electric player...
I particularly love the sound James get on the acoustic version of the Testament song "Return to Serenity" (I've got it on my european version of the "Live at the Fillmore" E.P.)

Here is a short sound clip (please look for jamesmurphyacousticsound.mp3)
(I hope you don't mind if I put it there, but tell me if there's a problem with that and I will erase it immediately)

James, can you remember what guitar (or type of guitar) did you use to record that song?
I also wonder about the recording process... is it an electro-acoustic directly plugged into the mixing board or an acoustic take with a microphone?
What about the effects? Hearing it I think of a delay and some chorus...but I'm not sure

I would be very thankful if James or anyone else could help me to get closer to that type of sound!! :)
the steel string acoustic you hear first is eric on his Taylor. the nylon string acoustic solo that comes in is me on my old Takamine classical. these days i play my Jose Ramirez 2CWE classical.. nylon strings of course.