Any other TX Metal bands around???

Welcome to the board, Rend. I am new here as well. I really dig your music, and you have an excellent web site!! Good luck to you and your band... I could definitely see you going places.

As for me... I use the terms "band" and "metal" a bit loosely, but I am in Dallas myself, and my stuff is at ...check it out if your interested in mostly instrumental, somewhat symphonic, pretty epic metal weirdness.


A Different Sun
Lady of the Oracle said:
Welcome to UM :)

Profanity- I agree US Metal is a bit poor. Rend recorded those songs a while back on our site. We're in the studio now recording and producing our own EP. Our new shit is more core, back to the roots. We're sick of the nu metal crap... What do you like?

ADS- Thanks for the compliment, your music looks interesting, I'll listen to it when I get home from work today. Cool site, how's Dallas?
Nyorthotep said:
Our new shit is more core, back to the roots. We're sick of the nu metal crap... What do you like?
I dunno man... I'm not a big fan of nu metal type stuff either, but those mp3's on your site are pretty unique. I hope you didn't change too much! :) If you guys heavied it up a bit, I'll bet it would be interesting. I'll certainly have to check out your new stuff when it becomes available.

ADS- Thanks for the compliment, your music looks interesting, I'll listen to it when I get home from work today. Cool site, how's Dallas?
Dallas is very, VERY humid. Man it's nasty here today. I wish it would just rain already. Other than that, sitting here at work wishing I was home (sleeping), and still shaking from the $800 bill I just paid to have surgery done on one of my cats to remove 2 FEET of Christmas ribbon from his intestines. How a cat could manage to eat 2 ft. of ribbon I'll never know. Dallas is peachy :)


A Different Sun