Anyone compare amp sim one ear real amp other ear?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA

Have any of you ever tried comparing a professional recorded amp vs amp sim +cab impulse? (left ear vs right ear)

Last night i looped a guitar riff from the new deftones album (recorded w/ u47 and sm7 probably Marshall JMP-1 Marshall 1960B 4x12 Cabinets) i set it 100% left.

Then on 100% right i loaded an amp sim with several different cab impulses.
(i used headphones during this test)

I played/recorded the riff identically and tried to match what i was hearing on the LEFT(real amp).

I noticed that the amp sim (no matter what amp sim) and no matter what impulse i tried, no matter how much eq, it sounded the distortion sounded....bubbly/fizzy/not fine?(if that even makes sense).

I started thinking that maybe its my interface thats not capturing the hi z impedance so i tried different DI's ive downloaded on the forum and did a comparison. There were subtle differences...but there was still this fizz situation.

Am i doing something wrong?...or is this just how it is.
what deftones song are you referring to? My guesses are that the riffs are most likely double or quad tracked. is the guitar playing alone in that part or is there bass too? if there is bass too, it will most likely mask a lot of things. Also are you in the same tuning, what pickups does your guitar have and what is your guitar chain at the moment?
This song Now i know that the left ear is different from the right ear in that song (double or even possible quad tracked) But i panned everything Left ear. My guitar is much different from steph. I have a jackson with passive pickups vs his ESP probably active pick ups. The intro is played on just the B string (i tuned my 6 string guitar drop B) that way low E string would be B string. He uses an 8 string. I thought about this too... that maybe the passive pick ups + amp sim create more of a fizzy sound....but i just dont know.

I dont know if im allowed to do this but this actual left ear of that song looped a few times in case anyone wants to play around trying to match on the right side.
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I think it would depend on which impulse you were using. Your mic placement would also be a key factor in why your cab sound less fizzy in comparison.

Edit; also how much gain you used on your sim.
well i have all types of impulses. redwirez catherisis etc. Perhaps im placing to many of the fizzy impulses. What are the recommended impulse combination to use? cap,edge,cone, etc
I love promoting God's Cab. Get it. Sm7b, with the.TS, edge, pres at 3. Smooth grindwith a lot of action in the low mids that I just jizz over. Comes with so many mic options, it's just perfect. You don't need to combine them, although it is possible. I use them in front of the preamp signal from my Randall RH100. Like a charm.