Anyone heard of this Emergenza festival contest?


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
My brother-in-law sent me an e-mail saying his band is playing in the first round of the Emergenza festival and wants my husband and I to buy a ticket. Now, to me, this whole thing seems like a scam. Your band has to pay Emergenza $75 for the oppurtunity to play, then sell tickets for $10-15. And the voting is done by a "show of hands". So, basically, if your band sells the most tickets and brings the most people in, you advance.

Anybody have any dirt on this thing? I'm trying to convince my brother-in-law that it's too good to be true.

BTW- If your're interested in his band, check out They are sort of a classic rock band mostly modeled of bands like the Doors and The Who.
Yeah, I've been there, but want to know if anyone had any first hand experience.

They already got sucked into paying $200 for a "record label showcase" in which all they learned from people "in the industry" is that if they had a really good producer and a hit radio single, they could go places. I could've told them that. For less than $200.
I have played one before. It has "SCAM" written all over it. Sounds like a good deal and all - but there is a lot of shit that goes on behind the curtains. Also, never EVER play for a company called "Concert's First!" They are the worst! We had a lot of bad experiences with "pay-to-play" situations. Now we just stick to playing around home and trying to asymilate as many people as possible.