Apollo Has A 'Beautiful' Voice?


Soudoryon A Tanyow
Apr 6, 2008
Bristol, UK
So, whilst browsing the metal racks in the music stall at my local market, I came across a CD called 'Beautiful Voices'. On it were all the ones you'd expect (Tarja, new-Nightwish-chick, Simone Simmons, yadda yadda), and then the last one was a Firewind song. Can't remember which one, but I *think* it was off The Premonition.

Now, as awesome as he may be, I wouldn't exactly say Apollo had a 'beautiful' voice :p That'd be like saying Jorn Lande had a 'beautiful' voice. The dude sounds like a chainsaw. An awesome epic metal chainsaw, but hardly 'beautiful'.

So yeah, that was weird. What was even weirder was that the guy was like, 80 (the store guy, not Apollo. He's only t... er, ask Kirsteh :D) and was possibly the least likely looking metalhead I've ever met.

Also, I saw a guy in a Firewind shirt getting off the train at Exeter St. Davids earlier. WAS IT YOU?! I was also wearing my Firewind shirt (obviously), but I didn't get a chance to talk to the guy because he was in a wheelchair and thus had enough on his plate trying to get off the train, and my mate was dragging me in the other direction.
Hell yes Apollo is really damn awesome!!! i really love his voice!!!his voice is strong and clear and those things make his voice beautiful:oops::p
This is an extreme compliment so don't take it the wrong way. :p

Sometimes Apollo's voice wanders into the territory of the king of metal voices, Ronnie James DIO! He still has a way to go to match DIO's heavy metal majesty however. :worship:
I came across a CD called 'Beautiful Voices'. Can't remember which one, but I *think* it was off The Premonition.

Lee bought our singer the DVD for her birthday having a beautiful voice herself and yep every track is from a band with a female singer.

The Firewind song is Breaking the Silence - is there a female guest singer on that track?

Unless they thought the singer was female?

well yeah the guest singer is a female......omfg they chose that song only for her voice? :rofl:D i am gonna kill them :D