Artists Get Worldwide Exposure On Indie Broadcast Network


Nov 2, 2011
Broadcast Network For Independent Artists (BN4IA) began programming on May 19, 2012 to over 200 terrestrial (over the air) radio stations around the world and five internet radio stations. Since BN4IA began programming, they have picked up additional radio stations including Radio Brandy, which provides programming to over 200 college dorms in the U.S. and Indie 98 FM in Los Angeles and it’s affiliates in over 40 countries. The company also broadcast by satellite to over 25 Million home in North and Central America and this month will begin broadcasting to over 200 Million homes and businesses in Europe and the Middle East. The company broadcasts the music of independent recording artists from around the world on a 24/7 basis.

Independent recording artists who have been added to rotation on the BN4IA include Canadian artist Beatrice Love and her songs “Cold Shoulder” and “Genuine”; Elina Vasiljeva from Latvia and her song “I Can See Changes”; “Taken Away” by the English band, The Particles; Snez and her song “Green” from Australia and there are an additional 12 independent recording artist from the international market being added by the end of June. U.S. independent recording artists who are receiving song requests include the band Leadership by Assault from Seattle and their song “Sober Up” and the song by Cutting Edge called “Venomous Love Affair” which also entered the national digital radio charts top 200 last week at #88 and the international independent digital charts at #25. The biggest surprise is the “fun, quirky, alternative” band Naked In Public and their song “Gray Haired Lady”; a song about Gray Haired Ladies, of course. BN4IA congratulates Doug Fergus and his band, Naked In Public for having the most requested song of the week.

Most of the recording artists jumping on BN4IA love the idea that the company offers a store on their site so listeners can buy the songs directly from the station as opposed to having to search for the song on the internet. According to Music Director Ricky Ric, “the bands also love the fact the listeners of the radio network dictate which songs receive the most radio airplay on BN4IA”. Ricky Ric also stated “some of the bands with the higher rotation are beginning to accomplish this by letting their fans know to do song request and purchase songs at the BN4IA music store each week”. Bands receive points each time their song is requested or when someone makes a purchase of a song or album. “It is better to let the listeners dictate what is played on the radio as opposed to having some corporation dictate it” according to Ricky Ric.

Broadcast Network For Indie Artists was formed by the independent band, Cutting Edge to help independent recording artist around the world to expose their music around the world through the stations of the network. To submit songs to BN4IA or to listen to the station, simply go to

You can also listen to BN4IA by going to Shoutcast and entering bn4ia in the search bar.

You can join the Broadcast Network For Indie Artist on Facebook at:
