Aversion Online says: "Prototype... One of the most underrated metal acts... ever?"


We really can't argue with this gentleman, who has written a blog entry with that title for Aversiononline.com, major kudos.


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One of the most underrated metal acts... ever?

There's a little message from the label on the back of this CD that reads, "Please help preserve the metal scene... play it for a friend, but don't burn it for them!" Well, I couldn't agree more, and especially with regards to this band, because Prototype is quite an enigma in that they're by far one of the most excellent heavy metal bands out there these days, and have been for several years now, but aside from the fact that they seem to garner rave reviews here and there it would appear that they've also been one of the most inexplicably wronged and overlooked bands of the last decade. I simply can't make sense of it.

The California-based thrash act formed way back in 1994, but since that time they've released a mere two full-lengths and a CD EP, and they always seem to end up on smaller labels that just don't have the focus or means to get the band where they ought to be. I can recall my review of their debut album, "Trinity", in which I cited that I originally discovered Prototype long ago in the free access days of mp3.com – at which time they were one of the only outstanding bands I ever encountered on the site – yet it took a few years and scattered international releases for me to finally get my hands on the album... and the European pressing no less!? Thankfully "Continuum", their second album released a few months back on Nightmare Records, proved faster and easier to acquire – though I have to confess that I had never heard of the label prior to this, and the fact that their website is one of the worst I've seen since 1998 leaves me worried that this album may still fail to reach the ears of many of the listeners that would most appreciate it.

What we basically have here is a band that melds melodic thrash and hints of progressive metal in a manner that sounds so traditionally-based it's almost shocking – though despite the core of their influences resting in the classic late-80's era, the production values have a contemporary edge (this one's mixed by Neil Kernon, no less), so it's not like some kind of throwback or anything like that. It's just so rare these days to find that a band sounds like a true, full-blown metal band with great, diverse riffs and atmospheres; good ol' tasteful, powerful singing vocals; fucking sleek, well-composed guitar solos; and strong, fucking mature songwriting. On the one hand I don't understand why more bands are unable to achieve this sound in modern times, but on the other... it is so uncommon that I'm like, "How the hell do these guys do it!?" Seriously, I mean, I just don't hear many bands that sound like fucking regular old metal bands anymore! But Prototype does! And they're fucking awesome, too! I'm just so, so impressed by these guys on all levels, and wholly respect and admire their talents within the current realm of all that's classified as "metal". I can only hope that they'll continue to reach new fans and gain more opportunities for spreading their material around the globe. I hope some of you agree:

Prototype "The Way it Ends"
Prototype "With Vision"


Very interesting and so applicable to our own thoughts it's sick.
The overall musicality of Prototype deserves much greater exposure, I'd send promo CD singles out to as many radio stations in the area and get then to play, it's high time there were some Proto-airwaves in the land!