Bassists using EMGs - 9 volt or 18 volt, secondary question - P Bass in B?


Sep 21, 2012
Hey guys,

I know there has been a lot of discussion and clips posted on 9 vs 18 volt for EMG guitar pickups. I've tested for myself too and I definitely prefer 9 volt.

My question is what are the guys who are running EMG bass pickups preferring? Does anyone have any clips?

I'm looking at getting a Jazz bass to tune to drop B to record with, the chances are I'll buy a used MIM and swap out the pickups. On paper it looks like I'd fancy a set of EMG J's. If the consensus is 18 volt is the way to go then the X series might be a better choice?

The secondary question is has anyone had much success with tuning a P bass that low? I've always liked them in standard but my only experience trying one tuned low is on a Squier 5 string P, which I assume isn't representative. I found it lacking in any clarity on the bottom string, it was just low mush.

FWIW I don't like playing 5 strings personally, so if I'm buying a bass for me I'd rather have a 4 and tune it down.
I personally don't like EMGs that much on bass, so I put Duncan Quarter Pounders in my MIM Jazz and it was a great improvement. I play in Drop C primarily, but have taken it lower. The better pups handle the low where the stock ones didn't. Just use some bigger strings, I use around .110 - .120. Dunlop has a new series of Heavy Core bass strings where are specific for downtune and might be a good options.

As for 9vs18, in my ESP bass that does have EMG (35-DC/CS), I definitely prefer the 18volt for what I'm doing but if I had to choose I'd still go with passive bass for most anything agro tone.