Been a while...

May 8, 2006
Lone Star State
Hey all. Its been a long time since I posted here. I only know a few of you here and there but again I am going to try to start posting.

Lots of shit happening this year. So far 2007 sucks ass. Mom died in May, Grandma and Grandfather are both in nursing homes. At least my marrige and kids are good.

But on to the interesting stuff. I have decided to start writing and recording again. I dont know if you remember but I have played bass since I was about 15 (Ill be 30 next month). Ive been out of the loop for so long that I dont really have a direction for the music that I want to write but I would like to it be heavy and not suck. If anyone is interested in the Jersey area let me know. Being a family man I dont know how far I can travel but Ill consider anything that comes my way. I have a Schecter Stiletto Custom 5 string and a Schecter Omen 8 string. I have been using those two for all the songs so far. Been recording them on a Boss BR-600 digital recorder and using ACID (Sony's Program not the drug) for some of the drums and other sounds.

Sorry for the wall of text there but the music bug is biting me and I would like to find people to colaberate with even if its just digitally over the internet. Anyone that cares or is interested let me know. Hope all is well with everyone here and Will, sorry to hear about your friend.