Colin Richardson's EQ and T-Rack Settings?

Mike 24

Jul 23, 2007
Does anyone have the link that gives the eq settings and such as recommended by Colin?
if i had to blind guess, i would think he doesn't anymore...i know that it was a couple years ago when he posted his EQ settings/tips, so he might have at the time - but god knows that plugin quality has come a long way since then, so i would assume he's moved on to something else by now
Whilst changing the topic slightly, anybody compared the hardware version of the massen with the software version they have?

i would think that anyone with enough $$$ for both would be too busy mixing all day to do a shootout for a bunch of bums on an online forum
too true...

in fact, my statement reminds me of a couple years back, when i was going to do a comparison between the waves API and neve EQ's, which i own at home, and an actual neve 1073 and API 550 EQ's....then i said "fuck this, i'm going to spend what little time i have in here actually MIXING with the real deal"