Engl Savage or Mesa Dual-Rec Roadster?


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, now that I have a pretty decent paying job, I'm looking into finally reaching my realization of a great tube rig. Beyond a great metal and clean tone, the most important factor is a decent amount of available FX loop switching. I don't use much, just delay/compression on distortion and reverb on clean, but I want to keep it rackmountable, and therefore have it automatically engage when I switch channels (rather than having to do a retarded pedal dance).

As a result, my list of amps narrows down considerably. The Fireball and Powerball, for example, don't even let you footswitch the FX loop on or off, much less having multiple ones. The Savage, on the other hand, has one for each channel (PERFECT), so problem solved, and the Roadster has only one, but lets you switch it on or off for each channel on the back (so I'd have my delay/comp. in the loop, and turn off the loop off for my clean channel(s), which have built-in reverb anyway).

Beyond that, the only other amp I've found that can do this is the Carvin V3 (with its "smart loops" that can be designated for each channel), but despite my respect for the company, I have a hard time imagining it's on par with the Engl and Mesa. I know MIDI switching is also an option, but it kind of intimidates me with it's added cost/complexity, especially when there's such a simpler solution in the form of having it on the amp.

BOTTOM LINE: I just want to be able to push one button for distortion + delay/comp, and one button for clean + reverb (what can I say, I've been playing with my podxt for the past couple of years, and I'm spoiled :loco: ). So whaddya guys think: Engl, Mesa, or Carvin? Or any other suggestions?