Enochian Crescent - Finnish black metal


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
I just bought the Omega Telocvovim album and I'm finding it a very strange experience. Definately black metal, but this has some clear influences from melodic death metal. Quite epic, in a Bathoryesque way, but still grim as fuck. The lyrical themes are quite interesting, as the band concentrates on Enochian black magic instead of traditional satanism. Still, the band is obviously satanic. In any case, my first impressions is that this blows away most Norwegian black metal released in the last five years (Taake excluded naturally).


Originally posted by Ormir
I just bought the Omega Telocvovim album and I'm finding it a very strange experience. Definately black metal, but this has some clear influences from melodic death metal. Quite epic, in a Bathoryesque way, but still grim as fuck. The lyrical themes are quite interesting, as the band concentrates on Enochian black magic instead of traditional satanism. Still, the band is obviously satanic.
In any case, my first impressions is that this blows away most Norwegian black metal released in the last five years (Taake excluded naturally).

Norway hasn't produced good black metal in years excluding very few albums. Enochian Crescent is good though.
Norway hasn't produced good black metal in years excluding very few albums. Enochian Crescent is good though.
You're right. For some reason people keep on comparing all "foreign" black metal to the nebulous concept of Norwegian black metal. They hardly mean Darkthrone or Mayhem with the comparison (very few bands emulate them in any case), and everything released after 1994 is pretty much shit. Norway is worthless country for black metal for the most part.