Feb 14th

"Would you be interested in opening for Meshuggah, The Faceless, and Cynic on Saturday February 14th at the Rave. Call Justin at 414-342-RAVE (any weekday 10am-6pm) for details."

I haven't heard good things about playing shows at the rave, but the opportunity is there...
If you think we can sell $500 worth of tickets in two weeks to play 2nd stage. Also what you aren't accounting for is that they have second stage bands performing during the support acts, which is any band who isn't Meshuggah. So there exists a chance that we will be playing 2nd stage while Cynic is playing the main stage, and I would wager two weeks out all the good time slots are taken.
Damn that would be sick to play with those guys even for one show. I still cant believe that tour is going nowhere near MA :(