Feedback on 5 metal songs.


New Metal Member
Mar 16, 2013
Whats going on! I have kinda lurked here I suppose for a while, and felt like uploading some of my songs in demo form for some feedback. I would also love to hear any critiques and suggestions the community has. Thanks for the awesome wealth of advice on this forum, and I look forward to being more interactive with you all!

Kind of started out as the thrash song I always wanted to write. It is Superior Drummer and the guitars are EMG HetSet Les Paul Studio into a Marshall JCM800 2205 boosted with an MXR OD, though a Mesa OS cab with a 57 and a 421 on it, tracked 4 times.

Just kind of a heavy chuggy song, the vocals I have for it are somewhat Deftones-ish. Real drums, not very cleanly edited, I got my friend to jam to the track once and I kinda pieced it together hastily. Same guitar/amp, without the boost. Bass track is pretty much crap, i just through it on there for the hell of it, but its a Schecter 5 string P-Bass essentially.

I love this song. It's like Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla haha. This one is Superior again, with the Les Paul going to LePou LeXtac and a Metallica IR, probably the King Nothing one. Bass is the Schecter, DI using Logic's plugins.

A more death metal song of mine. I can't remember if these are fake or real amps, but if they are real, its a Mesa Road King blended with a 5150, both through the Mesa OS cab. Superior Drummer and Schecter Bass, and I think the guitar I used was a Dean ML with a Dimebucker. Solo is double tracked and is just one of the LePou amp sims with the Kill Em All IR

This song is one of my favorites. I love the section in the middle that somewhat represents a struggle. I really like composing my songs with a story in the music before the lyrics come in. LePou/Metallica IR, Schecter Bass, and Superior again.

I appreciate this forum and once again, thanks for listening and its good to formally introduce myself, so to speak.