Female Metal Musicians

Kriegtalith of Darkestrah makes every other metal chick (aside from Angela Gossow) look weak-ass in comparison.

Agnete Kirkevaag from Madder Mortem would like a word with you. An incredible powerful and unique female vocalist that doesn't resort to either cheesy opera vocals or generic it-could-just-as-easily-be-a-man growls (like Angela Gossow for instance). And she looks like she could kick your ass too.


Madder Mortem - My Name Is Silence
Onielar (Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult)......................................................Kriegtalith (Darkestrah)
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Someone mentioned Mythic, hence they should know of Dana's other band Demonic Christ.

There is also that hot chick that was working with Taake.
Yeah, they're pretty good, definitely. Isn't there a Mythic discography or something out there? I can never find anything from them.

Morrigan, formerly of titans Aeternus. She was obviously an important part of the band, as the albums with her in the band are easily the band's best. After she left, Aeternus went shit, pretty much.

I don't mind chicks in metal bands, but when bands advertise it like it's a gimmick or to gain attention, it bothers me.