Game Systems and Games for Sale - I Restore Them!

Okay cool y'all! It sounds like I'm in good company! :) I still want the Lunar games, I played them both btw! Did I mention I LOVE RPGS the most?! :) ( The PSone's I think, are the only ones I could probably play of Lunar though!) I also still want Magic Knight Rayearth for saturn, Panzer Dragoon Saga(And YES I do know that Saturn game goes for upwards of $200 & above! But damnit, I still wanna play it! I still have a walkthrough of it from an old Tips & Tricks magazine!!!) Last Bronx, and those pinball games sound Awesome too!!! :)
Oh & have any of y'all played Grandia for Saturn, or Shining Force 3, or the Dragon Force I own?! Dragon Force was a great game too!!! :)

Man, I need to teach you all about Saturn backups. While I do enjoy owning originals of games the only market that still exists for Saturn is resale and the games are getting much harder to find. I don't really think it's practical to sell any used game for more than $50. Ebay and Amazon are, unfortuantely, full of rip-offs with pricing. I like to take a look at when I'm pricing games that I'm selling unless the average resale price on Amazon or Ebay is a bit higher. Usually the games I price aren't over $20. There's always some jackass on Ebay though that has something like NiGHTS listed for a buy it now price of $99...
Man, I need to teach you all about Saturn backups. While I do enjoy owning originals of games the only market that still exists for Saturn is resale and the games are getting much harder to find. I don't really think it's practical to sell any used game for more than $50. Ebay and Amazon are, unfortuantely, full of rip-offs with pricing. I like to take a look at when I'm pricing games that I'm selling unless the average resale price on Amazon or Ebay is a bit higher. Usually the games I price aren't over $20. There's always some jackass on Ebay though that has something like NiGHTS listed for a buy it now price of $99...

Okay then Gunstar, teach me! I really do wanna play a lot of those seriously
good & very cool, old skool & hard to find classic Saturn games I mentioned!!! So NO, I won't be selling my Saturn either!!! :) Should I
just pm you so we talk further bro?!
Just lemme know asap okay?
Oh btw, my name's jimi, just in case I never told ya before! :)
Okay then Gunstar, teach me! I really do wanna play a lot of those seriously
good & very cool, old skool & hard to find classic Saturn games I mentioned!!! So NO, I won't be selling my Saturn either!!! :) Should I
just pm you so we talk further bro?!
Just lemme know asap okay?
Oh btw, my name's jimi, just in case I never told ya before! :)

AIM - Mr Twisted Skull
YAHOO - coil_of_sorrow
Oh & just for the record, I had collected ALL (And I Do mean ALL!) of the heart pieces in the original Legend Of Zelda for
the old NES, I discovered I was having problems loading it & blowing it, & it totally F'ed up & erased EVERYTHING & EVERY bit of info saved on there, including those EXTREMELY tedious & very hard to find DAMNED HEART PIECES!!!!! GRRRRR!!! :(
So what should I do w/ my old ancient (and probably very dirty!) NES?!!
Oh & just for the record, I had collected ALL (And I Do mean ALL!) of the heart pieces in the original Legend Of Zelda for
the old NES, I discovered I was having problems loading it & blowing it, & it totally F'ed up & erased EVERYTHING & EVERY bit of info saved on there, including those EXTREMELY tedious & very hard to find DAMNED HEART PIECES!!!!! GRRRRR!!! :(
So what should I do w/ my old ancient (and probably very dirty!) NES?!!

It either needs it's pins bent or to have a new 72 pin connector installed. Hit me up on AIM!
Hmm, now I'm wondering if my old Atari 800 can be restored. :)

Even if it could, most of the best games I had for it were loaded from cassette and are probably looong gone.

It's possible. I once had a Commodore 64. It loaded games from cartridge, giant floppies, or cassettes... too many different formats.
I decided to use my scanner to see how different SNES games look before and after I restore them. Here's some Killer Instinct.








It's possible. I once had a Commodore 64. It loaded games from cartridge, giant floppies, or cassettes... too many different formats.

The Atari 800 used all of the above, although I couldn't afford a floppy drive for it. Hell, I had already shelled out $800 for a 300 baud acoustic coupler modem and some stupid interface box you had to run it through. :OMG:

I was desperate to get back online, though. This was c. 1986 and I had already tasted the delicious fruit of talking to friends all across the state in realtime over a network while at school, so I had to feed that addiction. :)

Later I 'upgraded' to a solid-state 300 baud modem (!) with soft-scrolling screen (!!)....and the modem hooked up to the 'puter via the joystick port. Now THAT's weird.