Guitar Hero


Wrathchild Panther
Mar 29, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
Anyone else have this game? It has to be the most addicting game I have come across since my days of blowing my allowance at the arcades when I was a kid. Its fun, frustrating and rewarding all at the same time. It does help a bit that I have been playing guitar for so long, but damn, I play it too much and I start seeing those colored notes coming at me in my sleep!
yeah i finially got to play it at the namm show - i've been looking forward to it for months!! stupid santa jipped me, but i saw it and didn't want to stop playing. hahha that is until my friend gave the other guitar to a guy who turned out to be the game's music developer - damn he knew all the whammy tricks!!!
Who won Sara, you or Liz?

I was either laughing about "they" with Aja or in the G&L booth with Wanda when y'all finished.

that game is bad-ass, i've had it since it came out in November. you eventually get the hang of it, i was doin Bark at the Moon on expert less than a week after i got it. One of the best and funnest songs to play is Cheat on the Church by Graveyard BBQ, it's great. Highly recommendable game
Doodoobubbachuck said:
They had a game like this except for drums in an arcade last year when I was in Japan. I agree - these games are totally fun!!! :Spin:

DrumMania prolly. these people think of everything, DJ games, Dancin games, Singin games, Guitar games, Drum games, i know i'm missin some, but meh. next thing you know there'll be a Flute Master game or Violin Revolution or sumptin.