Headphones time


Apr 20, 2005
I suppose this have been already covered but... What are the "best" "mixing" headphones in your opinion? Is there some world wide renowned studio standards (I guess the answer is yes)?
I'm considering buying it to compensate the lack of acoutic treatment in my so called control room (especially the low mid range nightmare). You know...Doing some headphones vs monitors comparaisons. Is that a good idea?
I don't mind a slightly scooped sound (ala genelec) but no Hi-fi shit.
Let's say my budget is 400$ max.
Guys, waiting for your comments.:)
metalkingdom said:
Cool, thanks.o_O I guess I'm going to save some bucks... Can you elaborate please? Is that the price range or do you think headphones belongs to musicians or do you think headphones sucks in general?
Sony MDR-7506 are like the defacto standard for tracking.

For mixing, research the upper echelon line of Beyer Dynamic and Ultrasone.
I`ve got ultrasone myself. They`re very accurate, but they are too "bass light" (imo). Several of my friends use Beyerdynamic, which I find a lot warmer.

So I guess I`ll recommend Beyerdynamic.
One pair won't do it. I have the following and they all have different characteristics.

K171 - Closed Back - Much better tracking phones than 7506. I like these for general checks
K272 - Closed Back - Sort of mid heavy and nasally. Can be useful for checks
K240DF - Open back - Low output level. Best of the lot that I have for mixing, but Bass lite

7506 - Closed Back - Very comfortable and feel good, hyped sound. Flatters the mix too much. I'd never mix with them but they're fun to listen on
7505 - Closed Back - Dark. Great for final checks. Almost tonally opposite of the K272. Not very comfortable. Of these, kind of the NS10 of phones.

Extreme Isolation - Great tracking phones. Shit otherwise

More Me - Well, you get what you pay for... enough said
Sennheiser HD650. Very little distortion, neutral sound. Can be a bit dark, but I can also be a bit deaf. I can mix on it, no prob. The cans fit nicely, they don't warm your ears up.
Thanks guys. It won't be the 7506. I know it and I think that it sounds really weird.
I'll keep searching.
Oh, btw, just to clarify, I'm not going to replace my monitors with headphones, I'm just looking for a complementary reference. Maybe my first post wasn't very clear.
Sorry guys - I forgot about this thread. Yeah, I was basically saying that mixing with headphones just sucks in general. It's hard to trust any headphones. I don't dig tracking with them, either. I'd definitely rather carry around a pair of small monitors to mobile gigs than rely on headphones.

If you're talking about the studio standard cans, K240's probably take the cake. Honestly, they are probably my personal favs too. They are probably the flattest headphones out there. They come apart easy, so be careful. Someone mentioned the Sony MDR's - that's what most of your clients would prefer to listen thru.
EtherForBreakfast said:
What do you think of the AKG K240S?

I don't think that there's much difference between them and the regla 240's. Could be wrong, though. Never really paid attention. What does the "S" stand for?