Help Me!!!


The Pain and The Darkness
Aug 11, 2002
Willits, CA
I have wracked my brain and the internet for this, and I can't seem to find much, so hopefully you guys can help me out.

Do any of you know any symbols (ancient, pagan, or otherwise) that represent pain, loss, or something along those lines?

Direct me to any websites that might have them, if you don't know off the top of your head.
It would be MUCH appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I don't know exactly what kind of symbols your looking for.

But I know that Runes are pretty ancient and can be used to represent everything. You can find a nice collection of them on

About the pagan symbols
In my opinion there are no direct symbols for pain or loss in the pagan religion. That religion is based on the "positive side of life". This means that if you would like to represent pain or loss with pagan symbols you should look for the opposite symbols.
I mean, if you want to represent pain of love you could use the symbol for love and then in some way make it know that it is no more.
I'm not sure if you get my meaning. If not, and you'd like to know, ask again.

Good luck with finding the right symbols