Hey guys have you ever wanted to die?

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Wow, this is dark....

No doubt I've felt very very down on more than one occasion in my life and sometimes you do wonder why you bother and during such times, I have sometimes thought about how things would be if I were to take my own life.

This is then usually followed instantly by thinking about how it would effect the people I know, particularly my family and that puts me off even thinking about it again instantly.
There was one day that I felt like dying. I was going to my bro's college apartment to help him move out, you know, clean up everything, and I kept screwing things up horribly. I felt like I couldn't do anything right. Finally, when I had to take out some trash, I felt like jumping in the dumpster and closing myself in. Thank the good Lord I didn't.
Hey guys have you ever wanted to die?

I think everyone has had a feeling like this at one point. I have been down in the dumps a lot and I have seasonal depression, but I have the best friends anyone could ask for. Steve would be happy to know that most of the times I am like that I pick myself up by thinking of the lyrics to Power Quest Part I.

How will I know what I'm searching for?
Isn't this to be a glad/happy place? These threads kind of destroys that...But yes i have wanted that, I'm pretty low in my life at the moment.
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