Hit a brick wall need Help!!

Lacks punch overall. Guitars seem a bit undergained and/or boxy, bass is too upfront but is "flat-toned", drums have no punch. The overall mix lacks balance (too quiet guitars on some parts, a lot of overheads but almost no shells, leads pops out real loud, etc.).
Hey man thanks a lot for being total honest. i needed that. Off i go underground for next 5 months. lol
I personally think the arrangement of the song could be worked on a bit more, as some transitions aren't that exciting and can leave the listener confused.

I think the drums aren't balanced that well, the overheads feel a bit overpowering to me and could come down a touch to fit in more. I don't like the snare, it seems a bit thin and hollow and needs a bit more thwack, maybe find a different sample.

I like the guitar tone though.
Thanks for the tips dude, I'll keep that in mind. I literally started recording since february this year and understand the fact that it will take some time. Also realizing the fact that playing guitar and recording/mixing is a whole different ball game.

Nya.. I'd rather take the suggestions straight forward any day than say someone saying that it sounds good because obviously it doesn't I trust my ears. Just wanted to know my progress so far.

So honestly thanks

Cheers mate
Actually I think I sounded a bit dickish too, so sorry about that! I'm a guitarist too and have started getting better at mixing at recording. I do think this is a step in the right direction though definitely. Just maybe get to grips with some of the basic panning and levelling, and then you can be as creative as you like with it. Or in better terms, have a sort of template to follow, then balance to your liking.
Its all good man, I've already started focusing on things you guys have mentioned and sounds a lot better.
Hey man I know I said be underground for next five months but......
So, I've got a new mix focused on the things mentioned by you guys- overall punch, balance, guitar tone, snare, bass etc.

On the other hand i've not focused on the compositional side of things as I want to get in some short of term with mix thing before focusing on the song writing.

let me know if its the direction I want to be heading and again weaknesses are more than welcome.

