Interviews/Concert Review from U.S. Tour

Fuck the local openers! Lol, have to love Blakkheim, and I'm sure he means no disrespect to those bands, but it's cutting down on everyone's play time when it is THEIR tour, so I can see his frustration with that. I'd have to agree with him on that point because the fans are really coming out for the main bill and not some small acts no matter how good they may really be.
great interview!!!

How about any re-releases of some of those albums or is that all just something in the past?

Anders: I lost track of Bewitched but those guys are still going. I speak to Marcus occasionally, and they’re recording a new album so they’re still rocking out. As far as Diabolical Masquerade goes, I’ve started clawing at it again. I don’t know, we’ll see what happens with that. I’ve been trying out some rehearsals with a couple of dudes, maybe thinking about extending it to a full lineup and being able to play live. If I were to resurrect Diabolical Masquerade I want to take it to another level where I can play live. That’s what I need right now, to play something very very aggressive on stage. Katatonia is great on stage, but it doesn’t give you that all out insane aggression.

and new bloodbath album 2007!? lets hope for that!
Tumn said:
Fuck the local openers! Lol, have to love Blakkheim, and I'm sure he means no disrespect to those bands, but it's cutting down on everyone's play time when it is THEIR tour, so I can see his frustration with that. I'd have to agree with him on that point because the fans are really coming out for the main bill and not some small acts no matter how good they may really be.

Oh yeah it wasn't meant as a disrespect to the bands, but when a promotor piles on 5 local acts to play before the 3 real bands, it's understandable for them to get frustrated. He said it with a smile :)
It is indeed understandable but one must remember that a lot of these promoters can't afford the guarantee without getting extra opening bands to help buy tickets. That's really the only reason there are so many locals. Either way, Mr. Blakkheim will be pleased to know that my band Vex is the only opener in San Antonio.
Vex Loser said:
It is indeed understandable but one must remember that a lot of these promoters can't afford the guarantee without getting extra opening bands to help buy tickets. That's really the only reason there are so many locals. Either way, Mr. Blakkheim will be pleased to know that my band Vex is the only opener in San Antonio.

I'm gonna be catching the last 2 shows of the tour when they swing back around, hopefully those aren't cluttered with openers as well. Have fun opening for Katatonia though! :kickass: